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  1. F

    0-3 mths pregnant

    Jes and JSbaby, thanks for the answers. to chnyle, baby insurance didn't cross my mind! actually last night hubby and i talked till we both cried. he is also very guilty and upset about it. and after analysing, it is indeed hard to cope if we really keep the bb as he is currently going...
  2. F

    0-3 mths pregnant

    thanks Jes for the encouragement and clarifying my query on MS. does anyone know how much it costs every month to care for an infant? i want to have as much information as possible to talk round hubby and show him that it may not be that financially challenging after all...
  3. F

    0-3 mths pregnant

    chnyle and JSbaby, i really want to keep it. but hubby is very concerned abt our finances if we decide to proceed with the pregnancy. and he promised that we will try for one next year-end and if really pregnant again, he will be happy and excited abt it. so we saw a gynae last night and did the...
  4. F

    0-3 mths pregnant

    hi, i'm new to this forum as i've just tested positive for the first time this afternoon. if my calculations are right, i am about 2 weeks preggy. my mood now is very excited yet lost, because hubby and i didn't plan for this pregnancy as we just got ROMed early this yr and our wedding dinner is...
