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  1. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    bestberries, ya i'm working too...usually is my mum take care, as she is the main caregiver, i can't change anything when i'm not there, things like letting baby watch TV and running into the room the minute baby cries, no matter wat i say she's just going to do watever she wants... and now...
  2. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    sam, healthytimes get watery very easily too esp if you use breastmilk. bestberries/kim, yes i also think why must feed fast fast?! my mum also say i feed my baby too slowly must be fast, her mentality is that baby don't want to sit in the high chair, so if sit too long, she won't want...
  3. L

    Any mummies having back pain after epidural anasthesia during delivery?

    i still have backache now, and it's been coming to 7 months after i delivered my baby... don't know when it'll go away... apparently my whole back was bruised the next day after i deliver and only a wk later did the bruise subside....
  4. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    ChiyoJade, i buy my organic stuff at cold storage, esp taka they've got quite a wide range. the city square mall ntuc also have, but not sure about other ntucs, otherwise is from 4 seasons organic, they have outlets at csm, suntec and taka. found this info on
  5. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    japa, i'm staying at little india too! currently with my parents at the blk of flats near tekka market, just bought a place at klang lane and will probably be moving in june... ya my fave hangout place nowadays also PS or city square mall... i go to the 4 seasons organic shop to buy food for...
  6. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    lavenderbear: ya think you're right.. yan: used too sleep through now no more getting exhausted waking up 3 to 4 times at nite HBB: ya i would wait a while to see if she goes back to sleep on her own, sometimes she does sometimes can't, got to carry and rock her back to sleep and...
  7. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    HBB she used to sleep through the nite! last feed at 8pm til next morning 5plus then wake up for milk... ever since she can flip, she kept waking up, sometimes is really hungry sometimes think she woke herself up by flipping in her sleep... hmm ya one more feed on top of her usual milk...
  8. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Thanks HBB, i've been giving her brown rice cereal, broccoli and avocado for 1 wk plus during noon, my mum kept saying to give another 'meal' in the evening so that she will sleep through the nite... so i did try to give carrots + brown rice... ops so far ok.. now i don't know whether to...
  9. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Merry christmas to all mummies! A few questions: For those who've started solids do you all strictly follow the wait 4 days rule? and after how long then you start giving 2 meals a day? mummies who bought the avent steamer/blender, where can i find the product code or serial number for...
  10. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    hi ladies went to OG today, there's storewide 20% sale. bought the philips avent combined steamer and blender for $159, comes with free baby food storage cups (180mlx10 and 260mlx10). also bought 2 avent BPA free bottles (260ml) for $27, think usual price $39. anyone interested can go have a...
  11. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    jes, yan, hbb strange but you know wat i also had the same problem! but now recovered already... hbb don't keep cutting nail! too short and it will become ingrown toe nail...
  12. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Re: milk intake Faith's been drinking 110-130ml 5 times 3.5/4 hrly... same as kim her last feed would be at 8pm and will wake up around 4 or 5am in the morning, which then she'll drink 160-180ml.. bbethan hee i've been looking out for cereals too at supermarkets... i saw this brand called...
  13. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Re: Day & nite time expressed milk jes, don't think it makes a difference leh. i always give the earliest (regardless when it was expressed), faith has been quite gd to sleep through the nite... last feed at 7 or 8pm and she'll wake up at 5 or 6am next day... or i'm just lucky... hee
  14. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    kim, sometimes its really difficult to keep cool when baby is crying, you're trying to comfort her and they(mum/mil) are 'hovering' around you, keep telling you to give them the baby...
  15. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    winnie_mummy, faith took her 6 in 1 with 1st dose pneumoccal and 2nd dose of rotavirus... she had fever the next day. actually quite heart pain see her being poked so many times. Yan, i don't really keep track of how many days, but usually i'll finish 700g of formula in about 1 mth plus...
  16. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    just something to share!
  17. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Jes yes! my mum also did that to me! tell baby " your mummy don't know your pattern lah, don't know how to carry you...." i wonder if their mum did that to them too? that's why they think they have to behave like that?
  18. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    ya like bestberries say, we have to just keep quiet and let them say... i realised by keeping quiet and just do your thing...less quarrels and i don't feel so frustrated...
  19. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Lamagier i understand how you feel my mum is exactly like that. somehow she thinks that baby shouldn't be allowed to cry at all! a slight whimper from baby and she do do funny faces, talk very loudly to baby and banging pots and pans to 'distract' her from crying... in the end baby is over...
  20. L

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Joanne, though there are some teachers that have classes for age 3 or 4, but i find that its too early their attention span is too short and they bones are also not strong enough. gd age to start is 5yrs... Faith is also only 5.1kg at 3mths. Birth weight is 2.7kg.
