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  1. S

    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi, i just transferred for 2 tubs. To Account POSB Savings 144-02654-3 Tan Leng Leng Amount S$71.50 Transaction Reference 7280254666 Will PM you my add. Thanx!
  2. S

    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi, wld like 3 bottles instead of 1. i've made the transfer. To Account POSB Savings 144-02654-3 tan leng leng Amount S$109.79 Transaction Reference 6825975926 will PM you my add. Thanx!
  3. S

    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi,wld like 1 tub.. Will let u know after i've transferred. Thanx!
  4. S

    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi, wanna add another tub. has the batch for the previous one i've gotten been ordered?
  5. S

    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi, wld like to get 1 tub. will transfer tonight or tomorrow and let u know. Thanx.
  6. S

    <b>Applying to be able to post in overseas spree and WTS threads</b>

    Hi Moderators, applying for access to post in restricted sections again. Thanx.
  7. S

    Advise on how to apply for WTS section After 1 Yr of Joining

    Hi Moderators, Pls grant me access to post WTS and overseas spree section. I've joined for more than a yr. Thanx!
  8. S

    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Hahah...that's such a cute way to cultivate reading habits. But think if i try that my bb will look everywhere else. He's been super distracted lately. Scrumpee: who is the lady?? thanx for the info!
  9. S

    (2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

    Hi everyone, i'm quite new to this forum thingy. anyway where did ur get the black &amp; white infant cards? I printed and made a black and white mobile for my boy while i was still pregnant. He loves staring at them till now. I got the 'Your baby can read' DVD says can use it frm 3...
