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  1. R

    Advice needed on sarong cradel (yaolan)

    Hi mommies.. Want to check if its safe to use the Sarong Cradel for babies..? Having mixed feeling about it..Is the standing one safe to use ? Is anyone using it for their babies? Pls advice as worried on the safety issues but heard babies sleep better in the cradel...
  2. R

    (2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="

    Hi Mommies My baby is around 2 weeks old.. wanted to get a sarong cradel (yaolan) as I heard babies sleep better when they are rocked..Any reviews on how safe is the sarong cradel for babies? Any other options? As my baby when hes awake starts crying whenever we put him on the bed...
  3. R

    Anybody order baby diapers from online?

    Hi mommies Does any one know which site is a good place to buy mammy poko diapers? which is cheaper than NTUC? Thanks
