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  1. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    December: You can get Brazil Nuts at Jurong Point 2 (the new building at 4th level in front of NTUC Hypermart....there's a kiosk selling's called Nut's and Nibble...
  2. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Die, before my ER already i was having OHSS but i didn't realise it until after ER i was vomiting then already my tummy was big.....before my 2ww ended my tummy was like 3mths preggy..but after the BFN...and the accu it went back to normal... then i even had to buy a new pair of...
  3. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Die...thanks..ya..we shld take Fresh as our inspiration from what i remember my pregnyl jab went by quickly coz the staff nurse made me feel at's just that they need to jab somewhere into your muscle..and then you'll feel litte numbness...actually not so painful for me...coz i...
  4. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Die...thanks..i'll sure will move on..but sometimes can't help but to blame myself... I will continue accu and herbs with Dr Zou once my AF ends..coz i was advise by Dr Zou's assistant last time not wise to do accu during AF..
  5. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Die...think positive ok gal...pamper yourself during the 2ww...
  6. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    yumyum..hang on's part and parcel of marriage life lahh this MIL thingy....hehehe...i'm immune to it... since the 2nd BFN last 2 days..yesterday i suddenly wishes that my late grandma was still ard...she'll be there to here my sorrows...and i was crying myself to much of my...
  7. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group u tell them that your are going thru IVF and the massage is especially for the conceiving issues? Sounds interesting....
  8. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Jeinthi welcome to the thread, During your preparation of IVF journey i think i should be good to go for the massages...but during your 2WW..please don't do any SPA or massages.. btw...what is the pre and post natal thingy all about? Care to share?
  9. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Yumyum...i emphatise with u...i was having bad OHSS during my first cycle until i was diagnose low blood pressure..and my MIL..came for a few days...saw me so sick then she spent most of her time 'shopping', came back in the evening to cook for her son and she went back the next day..she didn't...
  10. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Fancy, relax your mind...all the best to u...BFP BFP BFP ok.. Aris, Hope & Faith....hang on...BFP BFP BFP to both of u too... Sofia, yup...i am not really thinking abt my BFN now, i'm accepting it..funny lehh....any ideas how i can 'tiao' my body properly? Any recommendations...
  11. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Die: Yes i'm a teacher but i didn't quit my job...could be someone elselah....hehe... Aris: My spots was on 15dpt then i go pvt gynae and he gave me duphaston to stop the bleeding coz by then i already had painful cramps and after confirming with Dr Loh then i take the duphaston. Thats why...
  12. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Ladies, Thanks for all the encouragement. Actually is sickening not to know what went wrong when there are symptoms of implantation.... The rest of your still in 2ww...hang on..ok..may you get BFP... All MTBs; take care and enjoy the pregnancy ok.. As for me...i believe if it's meant...
  13. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Zaza...thanks gal...i wanna cry but now at work hhahaha...i just feel like eating sometg good to ease off the 'pain'.. Fancy, thanks for the encouragement..
  14. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Missfairlady, ya..i will go accu after the menses...coz during menses not wise to do it..
  15. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Die and Lina, After the first experience..i am quite immune to's ok..i'll try again.. I will go to Dr Zou after my must wait for it to come...
  16. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Aris: My AF haven't come...and i have to wait for it to come this time...i suspect when i start to spots on 15dpt it's already a was just the same as my first cycle...that's why i got the feeling that it's not gonna happen again..anyway i leave everything to the Almighty...
  17. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi All, I just received the call...It's BFN again... Well, I'm sad but maybe it's not the right time..haha i'm trying to convince myself... I'll continue accu with Dr Zou and wait for a few more months before i try again.
  18. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Aris, Greenie, Fancy, Lina and Die: Thank you for your wishes....i pray tat all sisters here on 2ww will BFP too... After the 1st failure now i dunno what to expect...i'm trying my best not to think abt it
  19. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Develyn: Oh thanks for the info...i emailed Dr Loh yesterday and he replied.."can take" haha..short and quite reassuring... Hi Aris: My BT is tomorrow..i am trying not to think about it..but haiyaa cannot help must think...
  20. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Develyn, Thanks for the info. I've emailed Dr Loh and hopefully he will reply. Can you explain more how does Duphaston affect BHCG, will it make it BFN?
