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    Advice needed on St Anne Church kindergarten at sengkang

    Sunnyling & MeiQing How's the school at St Anne & Dayspring? I am checking out all kindergarten around SK & Punggol areas. Do they usually have long waiting list? I am always advise to register early.... my gal is feb 2008 baby....
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    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

    hi mikael by when the baby should go this vaccination? mine is 13 mth old now hi h@ppymum2b am in sengkang anchorvale link
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    Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

    Hi all Am a new mummy and also staying in sengkang Hi Mikael Perhaps you can try Julia Gilbriel which has Mandarin EduDrama, my colleage tried and his son enjoyed
