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  1. T

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    i didnt do the rolling!! i was lying there stiff and waiting for the epidural to spread? maybe thats why! i shld do the rolling too.. feel like killing my gynae now, even though i like to think he knew what he was doing..(havin been a gynae same year my hb was born, 33 yrs ago) since he was...
  2. T

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    hello TJE, thanks too for your comment. i guess our bodies react v differently to the epi... let's see.. wish me luck. zzz. maybe ONE is the way to go. humph.
  3. T

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    hello dear, thanks for replying so quickly.. i didnt feel much pain when the long needle was inserted. however, i was v v nervous. which COULD result in patchy numbing,according to my gynae. sigh! i m scared to go again!! but anyway,i will try to rem dr Winston Jong and see if i can get him on...
  4. T

    (2009/07) July 2009 MTBs

    Hi so sorry for intruding.. have been reading the forum for awhile, but havent really participated cos i don't seem to have v much to contribute. its great fun to read your comments though. some of you are really witty and always make me rofl-ing w your comments! Hope you guys don't mind me...
  5. T

    Any gynae to recommend from Gleneagles?

    My sister-in-law saw Dr Chan Kong Hon. Very good reviews on his professionalism. He is very particular on the weight put on by the mummy though. ;)
