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  1. C

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi Serene, thks 4 sharg ur experience..wonder if my gf has any idea abt wats going on in sch..tsk tsk
  2. C

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi piyobaby, Mebbe u can try tulip montessori (opp yew tee mrt)..cant rem exact add thou.. My gf's son has been there 4 some time liao, she is happy w the sch..but fees abit steep, tink abt 1.5k per term (10wks)..
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    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hihi Mummies! Well said everyone! Hi HappyGal29, i totally agree w wat Snowball32 said..there is no perfect cc..realli depends on wats impt 2 u.. I hv learn quite a bit frm my experience w mulberry so now i roughly noe wat i wan n expect.. Im most likely puttg my gal in LV @ Icon...
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    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Morn mummies! Wat all u gals said makes lots of sense..i totally agree w wat is suggested n commented..esp wat angie said re Emma.. I believe most parents r willing 2 wk hand-in-hand w the cc but sadly, Emma doesnt seem 2 view things the same way.. So i hv sent in my notice 2 withdraw...
  5. C

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi Mummies, bingo! We at Mulberry hv struck 'lottery'..duno when will the closure b implemented..sianz..poor kids who hv 2 suffer the pain of hfmd, parents who hv 2 take leave 4 10days.. The woes of being at cc..
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    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi Everyone, I fully agree w gal is w mulberry too but i might b pullg her out too cos sinseh stella will b transferg out soon. actually, i tink wats most impt in cc is teachers mus b genuinely carg towards the lil kiddos..the rest r secondary.. 2 me, mulberry oredi quite...
  7. C

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi Ashley! Quick update frm lot1 library..story-tellg now, all kids r seated n well-behaved w the exceptn of my dd..who is missg her comfort pillow..seems like mcys came up w some new ruling w the escalation of hfmd cases.. (me reptg frm hiding behind library banners) cheers
  8. C

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi jo! Nice 2 hear frm u too! So ur son is in another cc now? Hope tt he is adaptg well.. Wat u said made me wonder if i shld gather all the pn parents tog n start a petition 2 keep teacher stella til they move up 2 idea? Haahaa.. As parents, we always hope 4 the best 4 our...
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    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi Ashley! Its great 2 hear from u! Wats more our kiddos r in the same class! Actually, i can tell that teacher leila who will b takg over is nice too but somehow feel that she lacks certain experience esp in the area of discipline..kena bullied by my monster on few occassions liao..oops...
  10. C

    Choa chu kang mummy club

    Hi CCK mummies, my 19mth gal just join the pn class at mulberry. I heard that their teacher stella will be transferred to their new ctr at acer in oct. How do you mummies feel abt the upcoming change in teachers? Cos from my personal observation, seems like teacher stella is the one who...
