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  1. S

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi all I am feeling much better now both physically and mentally. less crying i wld say but still can get quite moody sometimes just like today. This afternoon one of close friends sms me to tell me tat she is pregnant. She can see the sac but no embryo yet. I feel very happy for her...
  2. S

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi gals Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will try to be strong but somehow i will like crying whenever I see things related to babies, pregnant women etc. My emotions is going up and down like a roller coaster. At times i will postiviely think that I can get pregnant again but at...
  3. S

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi gals i wonder if i can join u all for a chat. My situation is a bit different from most of you. Mine is an ectopic pregnancy and I had it removed 2 weeks ago. somehow I just cannot get over the loss.
