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  1. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    how ironic. Some of us here are worried cos bb not willing to drink, while some are worried cos bb (like mine) drinks way too much. Think all mummies always kan cheong about bb whatever they do ;)
  2. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    ya, ge khiang is right and they ge khiang about everything, not just baby stuff :p
  3. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Ellysia - my girl is off the charts :p hope she will continue to be active and burn some fats off. Mag Kline - my girl drinks about 500 ml of EBM and 500-600ml of FM a day. She asks for milk every 2 hrs or so, but we usually drag for 3 hrs between feeds. Each feed about 150-160 ml. She...
  4. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    haha, we have been trying to burp her, distract her, play with her, but nothing works, except a bottle of milk. Sometimes we manage to rock her to sleep but she will wake up in 10 min cos of hunger. The first month was frustrating for both bb and me. She would latch, sleep, latch, sleep...
  5. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    sorry sorry, not clear. Baby had jaundice when she was born. We were discharged 3rd day after she was born. Fed her the whole night and she was crying non-stop. Re-admitted the next day. So i got scared and topped up with FM from then on. When she turned 1 month, I stopped latching her on and...
  6. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi Ellysia and ioio, sorry for late reply. Went home after posting my message. Anyway, my girl is quite active. Kicks all the time. But she drinks a lot. I express about 500ml of BM a day, then top up with another 500-600 of FM. She won't stop fussing till she is full. Little milk monster :p...
  7. D

    (2008/06) June 2008

    hi fellow mummies. Am new here. Have a baby girl, 3months 1 week. She is very overweight. 7.5-8kg, 64 cm. She was born 3.1 kg. Have been putting on 1.5kg per month. Don't know how to slow down her weight gain
