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  1. S

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all, this is my second post on updates for my Ivf, so do bear with me ya... I have done ET last week Friday, transferred 2 embryos. Now in 2ww. Had quite bad ohss after egg retrieval and got worse after ET. Now 3 days have passed and the ohss symptoms have started to subside. Doc...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Iloveshoes, thanks for your encouragement. Yeap all 6 fertilized. 4 with 4 cells, 1 with 2 cell and 1 with 5 cells. Very nervous about the ET tomorrow. I hope my embryos will stay sticky throughout. Snow PCOS since 14 No regular menses, spotting most of the time First time IVF Did 2 times...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi new here, can I join? Going for ET tomorrow. Embryologist called to say that I only have 6 good eggs. Quite disheartened but nevertheless hope for the best. Most likely will transfer 2 and freeze the rest. Snow
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Hi xmassnowy, i am doing first round of IUI now...dont worry, the self-inject needles is painless....i am sure you will be fine. Btw, where are you doing your IUI? snow
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    Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

    Hi all, I am new to this thread. May i join in this discussion? I have PCOS, have been TTC for nearly 2 years. This month, i tried SO-IUI at KKH. It has CD15 and my biggest egg is only 14.5 (only 1 egg), the rest is between 9-10.5. My first Puregon injection is only 50iui which lasted...
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Dear littlefren, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately the test was negative and my menses came. I am trying my first cycle of IUI now. Did your doc ask you to try IUI first prior to IVF? yeah, let's encourage each other to try. Baby dust to all... snow
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hi all, I am in dilemma now. I tried 200mg clomid last month and supposedly to have menses 1 week ago. However till now, there is no AF yet. So, i went to try the pregnancy kit but it was negative. So, what should i do now? Continue to wait for my menses or should i see my gynae about...
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    hi, any new updates about your visits to Dr. Loh?going for IVF in June under him...
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    hi, can i join this discussion too? diagnosed with PCOS and possibly polyps! doc suggested me to do ovarian drilling and laproscropy to confirm the presence of polyps. Anyone has done ovarian drilling before? anyone has polyps history please share your experience with me....many thanks! snow
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hi Catz, Siew Lei and ruggles, Thanks for your useful information! Doc suggested me doing the fallopian check but i had cold feet and cancel the appointment at the very last minute. My next appointment with my gynae (Dr. Fong Yang) is next week. i am thinking to ask Dr. Fong to let me try...
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hi Catz, Ruggles! Thanks alot for your input though. So envious of you two conceiving successfully via clomid winter
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hi all, I am having PCOS also. Tried 3 cycles of clomid but no results. Am thinking of doing the ovarian drilling before anything else. Do you have any good gynae to recommend for this protocol? Also, I would like to check whether anyone of you having done ovarian drilling and has...
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    Hi, does anyone had PCOS and undergo laproscopy and finds the pregnancy success increase? I am TTC for quite some time already and wanted to do laproscopy before proceeding to IUI or IVF. Appreciate your advice please...
