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  1. L

    BEDOK mommies club

    Gin is right. Some of my friends were being turned down by RSS to do PV as they restrict the nbr of PV. All of them went to do PV at temasek instead.
  2. L

    BEDOK mommies club

    Hippo, registered in phrase 2B, i'm <1km, so shd be safe. If i know that there are so few pv at RSS, I would have volunteer there last year instead of temasek, so i prefer RSS. can't turn back the clock now....
  3. L

    BEDOK mommies club

    Hello, I'm new and glad to find out on this bedok club thread. I have 3 boys and just registered the eldest in temasek recently. Hope to get to know all of you better! Lurline
