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  1. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    I use the blanket too, i place his cot near to me so i can wake up if i hear him. He still wakes up for an extra feed every night. He drinks 180ml every 4 hourly. And i felt that my boi sleeps better with air-con.
  2. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Ladies, all d boi's pix posted here are so well developed! He poo poo finally today.
  3. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Yo yo ladies, Thnks sooo much Yvonne for helping me to post my boy's picture. Celest, my baby can hold up and head and sit upright already but of cuz the head still wobbles back and front. Thinking of getting a bumbo seat soon. But i kind of think it will interfere with his poo poo...
  4. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    btw, all mummies, i love to put my son's pic here but discover that i have to shrink it 1st. ANyone can help on 'shrinking'? Thanks
  5. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    summer, your boy's face round round. very cute! Yvonne, my baby loves to suck his thumb and whole hand sometimes. Liew lian, u are already very very lucky to lost wt still tryin to lose lose wt. celest, does dat mean our baby is 3 mths or 4 mths old? I'm always confuse??
  6. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    From Pei Boi Boi Name : Koh Kai Sern BD : 24 Nov 2005 birth weight : 2.8kg length 49cm born in TMC Currant wt....dunno le mayb 6kg? ^-^ will be seeing his gd old doc on april fool's day plus injection. that means i will have to give the session a miss........signZ Let me scroll up...
  7. W

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi all mothers, i assume that all of u have given birth in Nov 2005 rite. i chanced upon this thread heehee. I have olso given birth to a boy last year during nov. Looking after baby at home now but will be returning to work in april.
