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  1. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    yzzmum, care 2 share ur email address? or allow me 2 pm u?
  2. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Chantalle, 2 continue with my earlier posting, by all means, go ahead & meet the master with ur HTB... without ur family... but b prepared he may say things which u find hard 2 accept... in my opinion, if u can, find another feng shui master who's in favour of u getting preggie this year...
  3. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Chantalle, I do think it'd b fine 2 tell ur mum u'd missed ur pregnancy cos of ur often missed periods... i'd think it's a perfectly reasonable explanation... Dont let wat the feng shui master say upset u... if u continue 2 b so upset... it may affect ur bb... & tat's when d bb might...
  4. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    I was wearing maternity dresses (same ones i was wearing just 6mths ago... didnt expect 2 put them on so soon... AARGGHHHH!!!!!) but 2day friday mah (TGIF!!!!!!!!!!).. so put on a normal dress... made of cotton so can stretch... realised my tummy doesnt look so big...
  5. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Mimi... me same as u... got lotsa fats... (1 time 4 my u/s the doc couldnt see anything & blamed it on my fats... AARGGHHHH!!!) I also havent felt bb moved yet... in my 15th week + 1 day aldy... my 2nd bb... shd i b worried???
  6. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    dee, also, there's stool softener u can take... Lactacyd which contains Lactulose... u can google & find it on the Net... i think can get from pharmacy... but mayb 1st time u wanna ask ur gyane 2 prescribe... (i took tat 4 my 1st pregnancy..)
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    dee, take some yogurt 4 ur constipation... also lotsa vege & fruits... & of cos WATER...
  8. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    but somehow... i still think playing the music aloud is d best 4 d bb leh... not sure y... mayb doubt if bb can hear thru the headphone which must b sooooo soft... rite? 4 my 1st, i played d music loud (really loud..) @ home... and in the office, i mostly listened 2 d headphone... i think i hv 2...
  9. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    i also dun like using headphones... give me a kinda headache... so i just inserted them (d headphones i mean) in2 my pants... jus on2 my stomach...!
  10. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Adel, sounds like your tummy is "pointed or sharp" in shape, is it?? haha... mayb u r carrying a boy??? ok, i will try 2 b more observant.. although it might b a bit difficult.. considering that i m the careless type... in terms of observation lah, i mean..
  11. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Chantalle, Yeah... i know that bbs can actually hear us talking... tat's how they can recognise their mummies' voices when born... so we r encouraged not only 2 talk 2 them, but also 2 narrate nursery rhymes, stories, even our daily routines 2 them even while they r in our tummies... & also...
  12. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Mimi, I m listening 2 a series of 4 CDs, all music by Mozart... given 2 me by my cousin... dunno the English name... cos it's made in China... it's specially made 4 babies 2 listen 2...
  13. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Adel, ern... how u know ur tummy looks like 5.5mths huh? i dun even quite know how big/small my tummy shd b @ any time of the pregnancy leh...
  14. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    ern... or shd i say surround sound...?
  15. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi, got a question abt "tai jiao" (not sure what the English term is... "fetal education"???) We are supposed 2 listen 2 music (Mozart, rite?) my question is: what if i use headphones 2 listen 2 d music? will tat also help my bb? or must it b loud enuff 4 it 2 hear it 4 itself? (i.e. no...
  16. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Chantalle, whatever happened 2 ur image? i thot it looked kinda cute 2... dun tell me the administrator thot "Not a pleasant sight to all mummies out here" & took it out..??!!! my hubby also saggy... but he dun believe in all this so-called superstitions... & he couldnt care less if...
  17. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Adel, is your bb considered big 4 his gestational age? or do u consider urself big??? (as in tummy big?) If so, then likely u can feel bb kicking sooner than most mommies, i think lah... (i.e. no scientific evidence lah... )
  18. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Carmen, yeah... i shd not "play play" with constipation... but i've suffered from it since young leh... so no choice lah... but a pointer 2 any MTBs out there who's suffering from constipation... take yogurt... plain yogurt, lots of it everyday... apparently it does wonders 4 our colons...
  19. A

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Evonne, i also dunno if constipation is hereditary or not... but my sis-in-law claims tat whatever happens 2 mummy will most likely happen 2 bb also... (hence if mummy constipated/does not like 2 take h2o... bb will also have same prob in future...) Enne, i just took one piece of guava...
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    ikeike, 4got 2 add... d day when i turned up & saw them drilling... i freaked out a bit... & applied 4 leave immediately... (could b an excuse 2 take a break lah... hehehe... )
