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  1. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    If i were u i will tell him your good news .... at least is more reasonable for u to reject .... tell him to keep it to himself cos u need to go thru some test then decide to tell other friend
  2. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    I will do NT scan next week.... i will see how the result first, most likely will do panaroma test after the NT scan ....
  3. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    You can try calling Nanny agency PEM, i engage nanny thru them. The price quite reasonable
  4. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    It should be normal.... i didnt check my HCG, gynae say no need. Good luck for your checkup
  5. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Sorry to hear that.... rest well and take care. U can still get pregnant thru IVF. Jia you
  6. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Congrats! And take care!
  7. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Oic... u can keep it for next baby
  8. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Sorry to ask why need to check everyday? Must we monitor? I nv check again since 2 May
  9. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Hi chimok hope ur checkup goes well .... dont worry too much
  10. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

  11. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    I swim or cycle almost every weekend but stop for the past 2 weeks due to cramps. Gynae say is good to exercise but no jumping. He encourage me to continue swimming, and go for brisk walking. My hubby dun allow me to cycle but gynae say ok to cycle slowly in the park.
  12. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    I hate the frequency of going to the loo, so moody coz not enuff sleep.
  13. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    I think everyone of us is anxious, waiting for our next gynae appt. Thinking is baby growing well and etc .... it normal bah i try to occupied my time so time past faster.
  14. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Gong xi!
  15. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Yes went to gynae at week 5, done urine test got UTI now antibiotic..... is normal to have cramps but if u dun feel good go visit ur gynae ...
  16. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    i need to collect antibiotic for UTI.... my gynae did a urine test for me on tuesday evening cos i complained cramp and backache. Lucky only slight UTI... got a shock when I had a missed call fr them .... thut no news is good news
  17. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    U so cute .... i h Oh ya I used to go everyday but now 2-3days so I eat banana ... hmmm i should try prune juice...
  18. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    As at now i only feel hungry and tired. I am a smoker but now i hate the smell couldnt stand it.
  19. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    Go do blood test ... years back my sil failed many pregnancy kits but she was pregnant. Good luck
  20. C

    2016/01 Jan Babies

    I seen both female and male gynae... my personal experience, male gynae more patient and will explain till u understand lol. My gynae will also help me save cost 1
