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  1. B

    Ectopic Pregnancy

    Hi Ladies, just to share my story. I was detected of ectopic pregnancy on the 6th May 2008 at TMC. At that point of time, i was about 7 plus week and baby's heartbeat was healthy. Had to remove the pregnancy on the right tube, 7th May 2008 as I was already suffering from internal...
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Thanks for your well wishes.
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi all, I would like to share with you on my personal experience. 6th may is my happiest but also the worst day of my life. I have went for my first gyne check yesterday and did a scan. It is the happiest moment of my life that I found out my baby was 7+ weeks and have heard its first...
  4. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi mtb, I have not been feeling quite good since yesterday. Experiencing mini cramps at the side of my lower tummy. Plus, discharge. don't know why like this. any one experiencing the same cramping feeling? Btw... I am really excited for tomorrow. It will be my first visit to the gyne...
  5. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    fong2 & mimi, i very much wished to take up the offer. However, I know my body condition isn't able to take additional stress at this point of time as mentioned by the chinese physician and gyne. I have been taking about 4 days of mc this month already. kekeke.. But, I am the kind that...
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi Red dates, I think we are in the same position. I am also doing outdoor sales, boss isn't understanding enough and expects me to go out for appts in the morning to end of the day. sigh.. I tried to apply leave for Friday to rest on the long week end but was rejected by boss just because...
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Welcome Cherrios, you can check on line for your EDD. Meilik, i think i have put on more than 1kg already.
  8. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Morning Ladies, I have began to put on weight, which i think is kinda early, asked around and heard it is hormones that is reacting... Wondering if this is true... My whole body started to ache yesterday, I have decided on the gyne and first appt is on the 6th May. Counting down and...
  9. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Dear Mummies... it is really tiring. My legs are aching and sore. anyone experiencing this symtom? echo - i agree with you. can't tahan wearing pants. i went to maternity wear to buy 2 pants (yoga like pants)which can wear thru out pregnancy. as for tops, i will wear baby tops.
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi mamamia, yes. i am considering to buy a few basic pants.
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    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Pris - ya, i think so. but judging from my size. i think i can only tahan 1 more mth. luckily for me, i dun haf constipation. however, i have been drinking much more water than usual.
  12. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    pris - ya, i think so too.. i even packed away my slim fit pants. this is to allow both the mother and baby to be comfortable. i feel that it is very impt as our tummy will show after a meal and causing the discomfort.
  13. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies, yap. walnuts are good for babies. but really yucky... hee.. i am eating omega (vitamins) and other essential for the baby. mamamia and pris - I have already packed away the tight fitting tops. As for current, i wear baby tops and dresses. I got my tops from mainly from Mphosis...
  14. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    hi pris - ya lor. i think it helps. so i eat chocolate biscuits. kekeke.. i am also gg shopping later. btw.. this is the time that we should eat cod fish, salmon, brocoli as our baby's brain is developing from 6th week onwards. mimi - it is pregnancy priviledge mah. same cravings also, i...
  15. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Mimi - ya lor. i think it is really individual lor. thank fully, no puking symthoms for myself yet. thanks fabbie, will limit to 1 cup a day. haha... as for gaining weight, i dun think i haf gain weight except for a little pouch lei. what about yourself?
  16. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    btw... any one drinking red wine? I got craving for red wine. safe to drink?
  17. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    actually, alot of ppl think that by going to tcm will risk pregnancy but i personally think otherwise. in fact, tcm helps to bu qi which is very impt as it factors to your appetitate and etc... as long you provide the chinese physician details on medication given by gyne, then i feel it is...
  18. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi ladies, this thread is moving too fast. My cure for bloated stomach is by drinking ginger water (recommanded by gyne). In my case was more severe, thus went to tcm for cure. it is true to avoid ginseng but alright to take po seng. i am currently taking po seng and it helps, especially for...
  19. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    Hi Ladies, thanks for sharing info. btw... any one having urge to walk? I don't haf any cravings for food yet, just chilli stuff. but can't sit still. dun noe why...
  20. B

    (2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

    mimi, TCM sae she help mi to bu qi. i think it is quite individual lor. Mine is slightly in the left. after taking chinese medicine, i no cramp le. lucky.
