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    WTB : Infant car seat/travel system

    I have a Fisher Price car seat (for infants to 4year olds), going for S$65. Please email [email protected] if you are keen.
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    wtb : safety gate for kitchen

    Safety 1st gates for sale (With extensions, dimensions = 110cm (L) x 78cm (H). Keen, please contact [email protected]
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hello mommies, Happy New Year! Ng: Congratulations! :D Littlemay: don't worry so much about the milestones. The kiddos would start walking etc when they are ready. Sam: Bring your girl out to socialise more. Liling: I've accounts for my girl with UOB and OCBC. Not using much of...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Stefie: Your experience in Vietnam reminded me of the time we got cheated by a cabbie in HCM too. Charged us US$50 for a taxi ride when it should have costed us US$6. His taxi meter was obviously rigged, but hubby decided not to argue with him (for our safety). re: boobs Yes, mine have...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Mrs Ang: Mine shrank... I didn't have much to begin with, and now it's even worse [IMG=]
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    PSH: Nope, doc didn't mention anything. If my marshmallow brain recall correctly, I think we have already started her on that. Eon: Don't worry so much about Chey's weight. As long as she's pee-ing, poo-ing and sleeping ok, then she should be ok. Raspy: Liz is now getting fussy. My...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Just came back from Liz' 1 year jab. She kena 2 jabs today and cried big time... she's now 8.9kg and 76cm (doc says she's about 75% percentile), and gave the go-ahead for her to eat adult food (except shellfish and nuts). As for her fussiness, the doc says it's normal to develop taste...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Stefie: Thanks for sharing the photo. My heart goes out to you.... you are very very brave! If it's me, I'm really not sure if I could have reacted so rationally.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Stefie: It must have been a heart-stopping experience for you! Glad that Alexis is still happy. Roz: We use a luggage strap (can get from Daiso!) to hold Liz down when she's in one of those antique bambo highchair in my FIL's place. So now she's not able to stand and dance in the high-chair...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    It's so nice to see postings on the forum now. It was so quiet the last few days. God's Child: I can totally understand how you feel about Chloe being cranky on the flight. Hope your hubby changes his mind about the flight moratorium! Roz: Same here. I'm keeping my fingers crossed Liz...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    raspy: Yup, i stay in Serangoon North and my girl takes enfapro.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    littlemay: yes, when she was watching TV, she would wake up with screaming or crying (even during naps). Now she's ok. TenQ: According to research, the sounds and visual from the TV over-stimulates the baby. I guess it would be the same effect from playing too much.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    mommies, reading about babies who cannot sleep through the night. My girl used to wake up a few times as well, and that left us wondering why. From birth, she doesn't use pacifier, bolster, blanket, pillow and stuffed toys. After reading some research about TV keeping babies over-stimulated, we...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    raspy: That's exactly what liz is doing too! A tornado on the mattress. But thought of converting the existing cot to a toddler bed for her. Re: fakes measles these are the spots that appear when the viral fever subsides. Oshgosh: Your Club Med trip sounds really good. Good to know...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    mommies, I have a baby cot that can be converted into a toddler's bed. Anyone knows when I can convert the cot into a toddler's bed? Liz stopped sleeping in the cot already as she sleeps through the night when she sleeps on the mattress on the floor (in the cot, she would wake up every hour).
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Roz: Adam is confident cruising already right? And is able to stand on his own? It should be soon already... hmmm, i can't imagine flights now with liz, whether she would insist on walking up and down the aisle. Faint...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    yurieve: Agree with Roz that regardless the reason, it's good to continue to bf your kiddo. I truly admire your perserverance! Roz: Liz is in limbo stage now. She can walk around, but would also crawl or hold on to furniture to move around too. Maybe she forgot that she can walk, or that...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    roz: yes, I'm actually rather housewifey... Haha! Yurieve: i admire your determination to continue pumping milk for kiddo. If i can, i would gladly give up shopping! Klitz: yeah, i don't bat an eyelid when buying things for liz. For myself, i would think and reconsider. Ok, i am...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    god's child: Yah, I've been buying and buying, and this place has all my favorite shops. The person benefiting is Liz! How I wish I'm stuck in some god-forsaken place with no shopping. Amelia: Yeah, totally agree that GlenE A&E is bad. I was running a very very high fever previously (and...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    god's child: Yah, I've been buying and buying, and this place has all my favorite shops. The person benefiting is Liz! How I wish I'm stuck in some god-forsaken place with no shopping. Amelia: Yeah, totally agree that GlenE A&E is bad. I was running a very very high fever previously (and...
