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  1. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sporty, I also start work tml, so stress. But at least u r better, cos u went back to work half day on Friday. Me tml the 1st day work after ML. 3 months le, duno how my table looked like. Haiz... Thinking of looking for another job (accounting), cos I juz got my diploma cert for accounting...
  2. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sally darling, MMR jab so shiong huh... Aiyo #1 already so cranky, dare not imagine after the jab wat will happen. Thanks. Will prepare for the worst.
  3. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sallydarling, I think my day and night overturn since I gave birth. Always wake up late and sleep late. Haiz... But will be back to normal once I start work on 8th Feb. Would like to post in the forum in the day time, but always get disturbed by my elder gal. Aiyo... Really cannot do my own...
  4. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    ariesgal, yah. Me also going to zzz liao. Good night...
  5. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    ariesgal, me not pumping now. My bb is on fm. I still awake cos I wake up at 3pm today. My mil will come in the morning to take care of my two kids. That's y I can sleep until so late.
  6. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sporty, saw your gal's photos in fb, so cute leh. Your boy looked like your husband. Your gal and boy sleep in one room huh? My #1 still sleeping with us while my #2 sleep in other room alone.
  7. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sally, my elder gal haven't taken her MMR jab, cos she was sicked and have postponed. Will bring her to take these few days. Is she having fever now? I thought fever will come on 7th days to 10th days after the jab? Hope she's ok. Orh, your gal went infant care and cut down on weight huh... u...
  8. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Ladies, today i took my gal for her 6in1 jab at healthway clinic, the gp claimed that for bb vacine jabs, their clinic is the cheapest in singapore, even polyclinic ex than them. I took the package is $286 for 3 jabs.
  9. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sally,I never planned to put her to childcare cos scare her being bully also duno how to complain to us. I'm going back to work on 8th Feb, hope my mil can cope alone at my hse. I more pei fu those SAHM who has to take care of more than 2 kids.
  10. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    sporty Oic. Thanks for ur reply.
  11. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    does anyone know at how many months bb should be double their birth weight?
  12. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    sally darling wow, so envy, so many helpers. at night I have to take care of them myself and sometimes with my husband's help. just now brought my gal for 6in1 at 8weeks (tml 9weeks), her weight now is 5.8kg le. doc said good weight wor. her weight at birth is 3.6kg.
  13. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    sally darling your case also like that huh . my elder gal also likes to kiss her mei mei and use hand to sayang her . your elder gal now growing of moral teeth ? my gal is growing 4 moral teeth at one shot . so we guess whether is becos of growing of teeth or she scare we love mei mei dun...
  14. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sporty Thanks. Have accepted ur invitation in the facebook. Regarding the cluster feeding, I haven't try on my gal yet. She only sleep through 6 hrs once or twice in a blue moon. The rest of the night she will wake up 4 to 5hrly to drink milk. My gal now also likes to talk alot. Aiyo...
  15. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Can add me in the facebook? My email add is [email protected]
  16. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    MasterMilky600MLJane U also last for 8 weeks huh. Scare me. I thought i'm adnormal. Hee...
  17. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Ashley My bb now 8 weeks old, now also like to put her finger into her mouth. Sometimes I will give her pacifier to stop her sucking her own finger.
  18. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Saw many of the mummy here did cluster feeding during evening time. Is it true after cluster feeding, bb can sleep through the night without waking up? My lochia last for 8 weeks, juz stopped two days ago. Anyone same as me? I think it is too long le. For my #1, my lochia only last for 6 weeks.
  19. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Hi Sporty, my #1 is also natural with epi. Both are induce case.
  20. P

    (2009/11) November 2009 MTB

    Sharon Lee, only 1cm longer than ur bb. Ur bb also quite tall.
