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  1. S

    very little breast milk

    Hi Maureen, total for 2 breast for each pump is abt 20mls only. Thats y i get so nervous...everyday my girl demand is increase, but my milk flow still remain as 20mls, somemore my mum told me that if really dun have, then dont persistent aldy, have to let go, but i have been trying for...
  2. S

    very little breast milk

    hi everybody, May i know, is it true that not all will have breastmilk?if for those who has little breastmilk, is it she will always get that little breastmilk?I have been latching and pumping and drink lots of water, my supply stil low, my mum told me that if i dun have milk, that means dont...
  3. S

    very little breast milk

    Thanks for all your advise. I try to let her latch on as many times as possible. After latch on, I will feel my breast is soft, there i know that she has empty my breast. Mayb I drink not enough water, coz I only drink 2 bottles of water plus 3 cups of longan water each day. And oso mayb due...
  4. S

    very little breast milk

    Hi all,, Does anybody know hw to increase the milk flow? I have just delivered to my baby girl 2 weeks ago, but my milk flow is only 20ml each pump, now my girl drink 90ml, really very desperate and depressed. I have bought the fenugreek, motherlove goat roe, and oso the metoclopramide...
