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  1. E

    Premature babies support group

    Hi, Can I be added to FB group too? My email address is [email protected] Thank you very much Eileen
  2. E

    Premature babies support group

    Hi lilac & hui, My water bag also burst prematurely (pprom) after amniocentesis tests, 17week and gave birth to my baby boy at 27week... Lilac, about insurance, GE rejected me once and now they want me to provide them my boy's detail medical report for their review. Since they have...
  3. E

    Premature babies support group

    Hi Sweetie Sweet81, My baby boy 27weeker, stayed in KKH nicu/scn for about 4.5 months last year. Went home with tube feeding and was successfully weaned off in a month. Home environment is better, speak positive words over your baby, have faith in your little one that she can soon quickly...
