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  1. A

    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Hi emsam, My girl's ear is gettin beta but still have dry skin. Guess beside the milk, she likes to sleep on that particular left side thus no ventilation, esp when she sleeps thru the whole 4 to 5 hours. So currently, i have to make sure she turn to the other side. hehehe.
  2. A

    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    hihi mamas, a new mama stayin @ Segar. Had a 7 weeks old girl. Any advice how to stop/ prevent milk spill from gettin into the child's ear???? After nite feeding, the baby tends to spill some milk in her sleep which flows down to either side of her ear, esp leaving it wet till the next...
