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  1. B

    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, Sorry for not writing for so long. I have started work this week n is very busy and tired. bbrooster, for baby swimming, I go to the Ponggol branch, mainly on Sat or Sun early morning before the shop becomes crowded. Which outlet do you go to? Ling, I (like bbrooster) also...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    bbrooster n Sylvia, After seeing the success of your babies swimming, I asked my hubby to wake up early this morning to bring my Rey for a swim. Rey was quite 'stoned' initially, but after warming up, he really enjoyed his swim. Thanks bbrooster for the recommendation. Ladies, btw I went...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, I managed to check out Rey's weight last Sat, and he was weighing 4.04kg. Comparing to his weight of 2.02kg when he first came home from hospital, I'm so glad that he is growing well. Sylvia, I do have the same problem that you mentioned. My son can be drinking fine...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, Life have been crazy for me too. After CL left, it's mainly me and domestic helper to handle bb. Very tired with his 2 hours feeding and to make it worse, he refuse to latch on directly, so I have to spend extra time expressing milk. Feeding + expressing, I practically dun get to...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi bbrooster, My son's name is Yi4 Heng1, Rey. Another 5 more days to go before my confinement is over. Now, I'm getting worried that I can't handle my baby once my confinement lady is gone.
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    CONGRATS Sylvia!!! Yeah! All of us have graduated!!! I guess going forward we will be discussing on baby care and seeking advice from some of the experienced mummies here. Let's try to meet up someday.... By the way, my son finally came home last Sunday, and seems to be doing fine.
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    bbrooster, I went to Mt A eventually, but find that the service was not exactly as good as what others said. The nurses at labour ward are still alright, but not the ones at the maternity ward. Maybe I'm just unlucky that there are too many people giving birth around the same time n that they...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Thank you Chloegal, Sylvia and bbrooster! My water bag broke around 2am on 20 June, and I was admitted to hospital at 6am. My gynae came at 7am plus to remove my cerlage, and I wouldn't say its a pleasant experience. I was put on drip to induce birth at 11am and by 1pm plus I gave birth to my...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, I have given birth to my boy on 20 June. He is also a 34 weeker and weighs 1.97kg. Currently, he is still under observation in NICU, but is lucky that his overall health is ok. Sylvia, waiting for your good news next.
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    bbrooster, I will be going to either gleneagles or Mt A for delivery, depending on my delivery date. Actually, I prefer to go Mt A as it's nearer to my house and the cost seems lower, but my gynae prefers that I go to gleneagles if BB decides to come out early. Sylvia, My gynae says that...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Congratulations Chloegal, on the arrival of your little princess! I went for my 32 weeks checkup last Sat. Gynae says everything is fine, except that BB is still smaller than average, only 1.4kg. I have also used bbrooster's advice to drink more Anmum, but seems like BB has also caught on the...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, I'm feeling so tired recently. Feels like sleeping most of the time, otherwise, just 'nua' around the house. Just can't seems to find the strength to do anything. Sigh.... Last Sat, went to do some shopping, but really at a lost as to how to choose nursing bra. Any advice where...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, I'm 30wks + 5 days today. Sorry for my disappearance. I was busy making preparation for BB's arrival, looking for a suitable domestic helper, confinement lady etc. Didn't dare to prepare anything prior to 28 wks. I spoke to a few CL that was thru friend's recommendation...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi Ladies, I'm 28wk+1d today, and just went for my checkup. Baby's weight is 922g (lower than average of 1kg), and cervix length is 2.3cm (seems to be slightly shorter than normal also). But gynae says that the figures are still acceptable. Sigh... hope baby can put on more weight fast in...
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    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Thanks bbrooster, think I better check with my gynae then. I only wish that I can hold the baby as close to full term as possible. But it is very encouraging to see you ladies do it.
  16. B

    Any gyne to recommend for incompetent cervix?

    Hi bbrooster, Thank you for inviting me here. Hello to the rest of the ladies too. Congratulations to the mummies that have given birth! I'm also a 'sufferer' of incompetent cervix. Currently in my 27 week of 2nd preg, had cerclage at 12 week. Lost the first one during 24 week as IC...
