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  1. D

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi All Any mummies here got diaper packaging to give? I wanna buy drypers brand and need non=dryper wrappers. If you are staying at Boon Keng, AMK, Toa payoh and not using drypers pls consider passing to me Thanks~
  2. D

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi CL Where did u do your CTG? I had mine at TMC costs me $4+ after FBI discount I also dunno what is contractions... diddnt feel it! hahaha
  3. D

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    hey hey all! Thanks for the replies.. so the dilation will see how soon u will deliver?? How does gynae measure amino fluid level? I read somewhere tht the level is impt..
  4. D

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    for VE - every gynae will do it? Mainly during which week? Does it costs extra from the package?
  5. D

    Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

    erm... actually.. may i know what are the tests he would do when approaching EDD? ie I know my fren's gynae does: 1) swap test 2) VE 3) Check how many cm dilated 4) Measure size of womb to see fluid level?? Thanks!
  6. D

    A FRESH thread looking for Meihao99 review!

    which items are good? also, their skirtings and tablecloth - clean and `crisp'?
