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  1. H

    (2017/04/26) BP5!ORIGINAL Mummycents spacesaverbags storage solution!Unclutter!

    Hi, I would like to order the Traveller's Special. I have fund transferred $23 ($24-$1 for fast payment) and transaction ref is 7756919230. I have also pm you my mailing address. Thank you!
  2. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Jovialz, Ya it was very tough to buy insurance policies for K. We checked with many companies but all rejected, not even if there's exclusion for his condition. End up, we bought from Aviva but just a simple Hospitalisation policy with some riders. Quite a lot of restrictions etc. I'm not sure...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    totoro, Haha. precisely. Even my favourite Ya Kun kopi is now $1.50 & 鸳鸯冰 is $2.20! wanna faint..
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Junnie, Yup. Savings almost all wiped out within a year! Haha. That's why I no choice lor. Gotta 重出江湖 to earn $$! Wahahaha
  5. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Calling out to the Shopaholics Mummies! Where are the Sales now? Where to find working shoes? I very mafan one. My feet cannot fit into any of those 'all-wrapped-up' shoes cos either too big or too small. So can only look for those with strap behind for support. Headache. I managed to buy 2...
  6. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Tiffy, Haha ya lor. Hubby & I were already joking that one of them should be a PD & the other a Gynae since we spent so much money on these! We just did a quick calculation & just last year alone, we spent more than $40K on the boys' medical! But my Gynae told me dun become Gynae...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    maisymouse, LOL at C's antics. so comical :-)
  8. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    maisymouse, exactly! at times, i think the kids know best about what is the most important thing in life. But much as i'd love to spend all my time with them, we still have to plan for our future. we couldn't save at all at the moment & this is sorta freaking us out. the boys' monthly...
  9. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    zhenzhen, Haha. no wonder my eyes were twitching! so came in here to take a look to see if i'm being missed! Ya lor, no more lunches at lot 1 or cwp. But maybe, we'll meet at raffles place instead! Haha, I can finally have proper Lunch Breaks after so many years...
  10. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Maruko, Happy Birthday to you! Have a blast & may you have a Fabulous year ahead :-) I'm hoping that childcare will be the last option. Afterall, I already have a maid. Perhaps when her contract ends in another 1 year plus, then might consider. Meanwhile, can only hope that my mum &amp...
  11. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Maruko, Thanks! Will have to depend on my mum, fil & helper to look after the boys. On some days, my mum will stay over at my place, and on some days, the boys & helper will go my fil's place. Hopefully this arrangement will work cos i'd like the old folks to take turns to rest too...
  12. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    morning mummies! still remember me? sorry to MIA for so long. have been really busy recently. plus my boys keep falling sick & now is my turn to be sick :-( so I don't think I can join the cny gathering & risk spreading my germs around. just some updates on myself: i just...
  13. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    good morning mummies! tiffany, what a coincidence! i'm going USS this Thur too! maybe can bump into you :-) praying hard that it won't rain cos i booked my tickets online a few weeks ago. seems like it has been pouring cats & dogs after 1pm for the past few days.
  14. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    maruko, I went osaka. Ya hurts like mad. But the tot of lugi-ing on my airfare & hotel costs (plus staying at home to whine) hurts even more. So I went ahead. Haha. Yup tons of walking. From morning till night. Haha. But the cold weather (or maybe the fact that I'm on holiday) does help a...
  15. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hello mummies! Didn't catch up on archives but hope everyone is doing great. I just came back from a short trip with hubby. Happy but having post-holidays blues now haha :-) Guess what? I must be the most clumsy person around. I accidentally kicked my left big toe against my suitcase...
  16. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    mm, Haha true. But our savings practically go to their medical bills! Just this month alone (within 2 weeks), we have spent more than $1k on their medical bills. The place I frequented most this month is clinic & hospital! Bleh :-( at the rate this goes, I eat air also cannot survive! Haha
  17. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Jas, All the best for your surgery! :-) Ariajo & zhenzhen, I did mention to specialist for letter but he's not willing to. Said that should ask insurance co to write in officially. But the few agents I spoke to are also unwilling to write in bcos Hospitalization policy is a 'small biz /...
  18. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Jas, haha. same here. whenever i see aidan crying pitifully after i scold or ignore him, i will feel bad. after all, he's merely a 3-year old right. why should i be so hard on him? dun say toddlers, even some adults also dun listen to instructions. i will then give him a hug & kiss &amp...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Jas, that's so funny. imagine our kids blabbering & complaining about their mummies. they might even exchange pointers on how to drive us up to the wall! hahaha
  20. H

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    dodo, exactly! i guess we can only be patient & learn on the way. do our parts to impart the correct values, set the boundaries, set a good example ourselves (which can be very hard at times, esp when we lose our cool & start screaming. i really don't want to do that & show him...
