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  1. B

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    hey, anyone know when is the time we have to tell our bosses? I not sure how to start also...
  2. B

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    goldfish, it's good that your mom volunteered to help u with confinement. My MIL told me not to bother her and my own mother and ask me to find a confinement lady... i think it's very weird to have a stranger stay in my house leh... not sure if she minds my dog also... btw, any of you feel...
  3. B

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    my fren recommended me Dr John Tee from KKH. The first appt will cost about $80 plus. Not sure if I have to do other scans etc. and how much the bill comes up to.... as for getting back to work, i intend to take 8 weeks of maternity leave first, then clear my annual leave. Try to stretch till...
  4. B

    (2008/09) Sep 2008

    hey all, i just discovered i'm pregnant yesterday, cos hubby wanted me to use pregnancy kit cos i missed period for 3 days my LMP is 16 dec so i guess i'm about 4 weeks pregnant now... dun really know what to do except to find a gynae (waiting for my fren to check out for me cos her hubby...
