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  1. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    thanks jac for the update. i'm up now cos baby can't stop kicking n I can't sleep due to braxton hicks n "stitches" like feeling...
  2. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Went to Babies Bellies for Pre-Natal massage today...okla will only know the result tomorrow.
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    so much warehouse sales! here's another one...
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    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    poseidon: thanks for sharing. Maybe will drop by..received a few sms abt it..hope its good Mommies, How's your appetite these days? Seems to be getting more lethargic entering into this 3rd trimester. wishing you guys well on this TGIF!
  5. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    jac: my bb also the same, cannot take 3D scan cos keep facing down. its a boy maybe common way of positioning themselves haha who knows.. lush: yes, i always get that sudden sensation to pee cos bb always kicks hard at the bladder area... jingles: i've been using the cream ever since i...
  6. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Alicia: i just spoke to my colleagues, i think the unbearable pain cos the movement is near to the ribcage..sooo uncomfy..haha i'm a complain queen la i think jkids: yah i think bb is getting bigger n looking for space...i feel stretch marks coming!
  7. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    adeline: i should be at 27 weeks bah last check up..lost count liao.. baby is moving non-stop..sometimes hiccups, sometimes stretching..but i would say that sometimes the pain is really unbearable..
  8. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    hi mummies, how are you? i've been quiet lately cos too bz to on my comp... anyway, the tummy's getting bigger..not that i'm getting heavier though..but movement is so much restricted now n seems to be moody lately...wonder why.. How's your sleep so far? Is baby kicking as much as we want...
  9. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    cordblood: i guess its a tough debate..but the article is really an eye-opener..i'll see how it goes after sat's seminar n see how then..
  10. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    jac: sure i will...
  11. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    hi mommies...been awhile since i logged in...wah so many topics covered! Babyfair: I'm definitely heading to the baby fair this oct to compare prices...not sure if its gonna be better then pre-xmas sale...i think we still got time to think right. Cordlife seminar this sat: any one else...
  12. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    vanessa: its my husband that is the kiasu one. ask me to drink 2 cups a day. Going to cut down liao. Cos taking prenat vits already. silsilly: my cousin got chicken pox while she was 5mths preggie. But she's ok and so far so good. no complications. and she's due next mth.
  13. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    what's moscato? hehe vanessa: wah..i shall now go to all sites to see if can get free samples. i notice by drinking milk everyday tummy gets bigger faster lei. and since i'm getting heavier, gets tired so easily lor i had lots of soya bean in 1st tri, and also expecting a boy. but got...
  14. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Jingles: Funny lei, my doc nvr prescribe iron pills to me..only fish oil and prenat vit. dun know if its normal or not. What other supplements are u guys taking? Vanessa: where did u get all these samples? and what is the nicest? i tot of trying cos i get bored easily with one flavour...
  15. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hey ladies, how are you? Been awhile since i logged in. Jingles: yes, i'm going for the cordlife seminar on 8th oct. Me n hubby wants to know more about it. Anyway, is any of you taking any pregnancy mom milk? I just started yesterday. Abit late right. But guess was just being...
  16. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Hi Mummies, Been awhile since i logged in, and I'm reading so many topics of discussion here! childcare: a bit too early for me to think now but I've always heard the queue everywhere is long health: wow so lucky to hear everyone having mom's cooking healthy food for you. My MIL has been...
  17. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    morning mummies! Had a major cramp at the calf this morning. Its probably the common cramps that they say occurs during the 2nd tri. Hubby was shocked when I wailed in pain..anyway, i'm just coping. its a saturday! so time to window shop for baby's stuff today and recce if any good promo...
  18. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    seems that the low placenta thing is quite common? i'm having it too..
  19. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    vanniety: thanks for the info on antenatal class, i need to do more research before i decide to enrol in one...wonder if i'm a bit kiasu hahah appleseed: yes i agree with you. i will sloowwly do some shopping. my 1st tri was bad too. so i think as long as i have energy now, i should try to at...
  20. S

    (2012/01) Jan 2012

    Alicia: thanks! yes better night rest last night. Sometimes, I forget that I'm pregnant. Even my friends says I behave as if I'm not. So yes, walking, running for the bus, walking down the stairs must be extra extra careful! wow..i see mommies doing serious window shopping now. So happy to...
