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  1. C

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi mummies to be, can i join this forum just got my BFP on friday. my HCG level done on day 18 was 1091.2 can i know what the level means, singleton or twins? am so excited.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi skies, congrats!!!!!! i did a HPT abt an hr ago, there is a faint positive line(1/2 darken as compared to the control line) my ER was on 8feb, ET on 10feb (day 2 transfer) today is 12 day past transfer. BT supposed to be this friday. i am on utrogestan insert 3 times a day. when i...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    congrats syann happy for u Btw, were u on progesterone insert or injection? I am on insert and my bt is next friday..just went for my progesterone blood test today far no implantation bleeding or cramp...worried. If i am on insert, can i test myself earlier?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi skies..only did my et bt will be on the 26th...just had diarrhea and had just called kkivf (as per jeinthiangel advice). 1st call spoke to a nurse- who just told me to go down to 24hr emergency clinic for chkup..says not normal... Then decided to make 2nd call -- spoke to...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    thanks gals for the adivce..will eat well and have minimal movements just now i have super bad cramps like contractions till i sweat.somemore the cramp feels like stomachache cramps cos made me kept going to toilet to shit...then shit also dun dare to push too so worried what could...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi gals, just did my ET today at kkivf. transferred 2 embies, grade 3 and 4.both day 2 4 cells. pardon my ignorance, after the ET, was not allowed to lie down and rest and because of super full bladder, immediately went to pee after i reach home, not too sure whether that will flush up my...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi gals, Can i asked whether bbt is impt? I m on my 7th day of piregon and is supposed to go back for scan tmr.. Hv been taking red dates,logan drinks, 2 egg whites everyday, balckmore conecieve well pill and with heat pack on my womb everynight but my bbt every morning is still abt 36.1-...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    sorry ladies, can i check at which stage do we start taking the blackmore conceive well gold tablets? and for the egg whites, must it be half boiled or hard boiled? thanks
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi skies and babylove5 the 3 of us can be cycle buddies I just had my lucrin injection...super itchy and could feel abit numb..and the itch lasted abt 15mins ,so tempted to scratch i was told to go back on jan 26 for ultrascan and blood test to check whether i can start abt...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi babylove5, great! We can be cycle buddy...with kkivf, dr loh. The nurse have help me calculated that i might me doing my ET a few days just before CNY.. Any sisters here can advice whether we can go visiting or best to have bedrest at home? of cos i hope to stay at home but cannot think...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi, i will be starting my lucrin injection tmr. anyone happens to be in the same cycle as me?
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi gals, i was supposed to start my ivf in jan. h/w,today is the first day of my menses and i have ctced kkivf centre who agreed to let me start my microgynon tmr. i wondering whether anyone could give me some advice so that i could plan my leaves for the upcoming checkups..based on the...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    LYn, i did aked dr loh is there any treatment but he just asked me to wait for another month then scan again. i did my scannning yesterday and this morning my menses came could that be the reason why the lining thin out? any idea how much mm will be shed usually? Baby, is the...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ladies, i came back from my 1st appt with dr loh today. Have being scheduled for my ivf in oct. But there is a BAD news, dr loh did a ultrascan for me and realised my uterus lining is only 4mm!!! he was so shocked it is so thin! He asked me whether i had any d&c or taking any...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi everyone, i am new to this thread. Have just booked an appt with dr loh @ kkivf next wed after reading this thread but i still have some enquiries to ask to get myself prepare. i understand i have to do blood test on my 2nd day of cycle, so at which cycle date would i start my...
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    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hi, i am new to the thread. have been ttc for more than 1 yr liao.have a boy coming to 4 yr old. just found out from gynea last fri (cd11)that i have pcos.1 am on clomid since cd 2 for 5 days. did blood test and found out that my FSH is higher than my LH.abt 6.1 vs 7.21.. is this very...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    hi, need some advice saw dr foong yesterday -cd2 and was given low dose of 50mg clomid and also did a blood test. he called to tell me my hormones imbalance and may take to increase the dose of the clomid. is there anything else i can eat to "tiao" my hormones imbalance or clomid is the...
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    hi everyone! my boy is coming to 4 yrs old lioa. been ttc for almost 2 yrs' going to see dr foong at gleneagles tmr. what is the diff b/w so-iui and iui? and how would dr determind on what procedures to take?
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    A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

    hi everyone , i am new to the thread. can i join in? wana find a place where i can pour out my feelings.. i have been ttc for amlost 2 yrs liao. current have a boy coming to 4 yrs old...always wanted to give him another sibling...felt so depressing very time my menses come. the last scan i...
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    Dr L C Foong from Gleneagles

    wow..this thread is so super long... hi, i am new here. need some advices from you ladies out there. i have a boy who is coming to 4 yrs liao. so have been trying to conceive for abt 2 yrs ... but no luck. went to see my gyne and he just ask me to relax and keep trying. my menses...
