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  1. A

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    11dpet- feeling very down as i have AF symptoms. i have slight cramp on and off this afternoon and backache. sigh, dont even feel like going for the test tomolo. I wonder how many days past ET, AF will come if this cycle fails (touch wood)....still hoping for miracle, i guess.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    tigg3r, Congrats! Wow....there are a lot of mommies here carrying twins. that is good news. it would be nice to see a twin clubs set up. chevall, did you know? Did you do your IVF at her clinic too? wat's your experience with her? the waiting time at her clinic is also quite...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    tigg3r, Sorry to hear about the situation. U must be feeling very restless now. If the pain persist, suggest you should go to another gynae again to do whatever test to ensure it's not might be still to early to tell. In the meantime, try to to think too much about it and rest...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi tigg3r To address your concern, would it be possible to go to another gynae for check up first? why is your scan deferred until 7th week? when do we normally have our first scan after finding out that we have BFP? sorry, for the questions.... U have passed one hurdle and come this far...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I have some mild backache on and off too, especially at night. not sure if that is normal. It started 2 days ago. Hope it's ok. just two more days for my beta test. Think i'll skipped the HPT. Better be disappointed later than now, i guess. at least, still got hope for this 2 days.
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hopes, Thanks for your wishes!! I did my ICSI in Gleneagles, KL, not in Spore as both of us are working here. This coming Sat is actually D12PET for me but becoz i had a blastocycst transfer (D5 embies), my embies wd have grown to D17 this Sat. Guess, dont have to wait further then. I'm...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    ML, 9dpet for me today. My blood test will be this Sat. feeling very anxious too. I also thot of using the HPT to find out but am scared of the result. Too chicken to find out. Like you say, can fantasize that i have succeeded...O: been trying to get myself busy so that i dont remember it...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    It's so comforting to hear that cramping is not unusual from those have succesful in getting preggy. I guess for us who are on 2WW, we tend to get jumpy and paranoid whenever we have that feeling similar to getting AF. Few days ago, when i had my cramp, i tried restraining from going to toilet...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi ladies, Wow....this thread has been certainly moving real fast. Ever since my spotting, i have been bed resting at home most of the time. dont dare to walk to much. Luckily, it stopped. After the spotting, I start to get the slight cramping feeling, like AF coming for the next 2 days...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi ladies, Didnt have a good day today. This morning when i woke up, i saw some brown stain in my undies. was kinda shocked. I called the nurse and she told me to monitor the situation. it could be bleeding from implantation. am beginning to feel so worried. i dont have any symptoms apart...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Jade, my heart goes to you as well...stay strong. i always believe God has a purpose for all of us. It may not happen now, but i'm sure you will succeed one day. pls dont give up. shazzer, Did my ET on Tuesday...put in 3. how many did you put in? since mine was done on D5, my blood test...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Shazzer, Wow...u also have a good no. of eggs retrieved. Congrats. As for me, my ET is only scheduled tomorrow.Cant wait to join you on the 2WW, although i'm scared of the jabs - again.... Although my ER was last thurs, until today i still have the brownish discharge? Wonder if that is...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    tigg3r, Congrats! That is so wonderful! All the pain and worry has been finally paid off....Kinda of give us hope too!! It's such a great relief for us who are going thru now, that the success rate is high!! SO, never give up, huh? have a smooth 9 month ahead..... Stardiva, Just hang on...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi Shazzer, Sorry for not being able to reply earlier. Has been rather busy at work lately. Trying to clear as much as possible before i go on long leave....Am planning to take a whole week off after the ET. Went for a scan on Tues and confirmed that my ER will be tomorrow!! It's earlier...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Shazzer, Will be going for scanning tomorrow to decide when is the ER day. Most likely either Friday or Sat. If on Friday, both of us will be on the same day!! Am rather anxious about actually...having sleepness nite oredi!! How are feeling now? Stardiva, Congrats! All your tears and...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi all, Just came back from scanning...The doc told me i have about 20 follicles or more!! Today is only my D5 scan. All about the same size, ranging from 8mm to 13mm. My lining is about 8mm too. HOpe my follicles wont mature too fast...Doc say it's not good if the follicles mature too fast...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Jade, Thanks!! It was really informative and have helped me to understand the whole process better. Am really blur of what is going on actually. Did you managed to find out what is your lining on the day of transfer? Cant get for my ER stomach feel bloated and sometimes I have...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Jade, Wow....u surely got a lot of good eggs fertilised. What's the dosage of your Puregon? How many days are you on puregon? Today will be my D4...will be going for scan tomorrow. Scared there is not enuf follicles. I know it's still a long way to go before my ER but I just want to find...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    shazzer, I'm doing the jab myself as I know which are the hard and soft spot. I used Stardiva tip to ice the area i wanna jab to numb it. it worked. U should really try that out. BTW, do you know how many more days of Puregon you have to take ? I'm only at my D2. So far, i only have slight...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hopes, Yea, i also feel more stressed if i tell them. Do not want them to worry about me also...I'm not on any acupunture or TMC. Just taking some vitamins. Any advice on what i should take to increase and get good quality follicles? The thot of having more needles poking me really scared...
