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  1. B

    Blacklisting of bad BP/Sprees Organisers

    Thanks to beary bear for helping me clear my name. Also need to clarify that the receiptent who did try to reach me but had lost my email address. She had been very responsive after i got in touch with her. All these are misunderstandings!! Main fault lies in me in sending to the wrong...
  2. B

    Blacklisting of bad BP/Sprees Organisers

    Carine, thanks for vouching for us. Ryan is my brother and he had taken over this business as I am going back to work after 2 months of maternity leave. I have done nothing wrong and am sure that other mummies who bought from me can vouch for my chararcter too. The only mistake I have done is...
  3. B

    Blacklisting of bad BP/Sprees Organisers

    Not sure what we get out of making this a public case out of this. Tried to ask you to call me to speak directly but you refused. I had replied you when you asked about it but have to admit that I missed your mail late last week as I am preparing to go back to work after my maternity leave...
  4. B

    Blacklisting of bad BP/Sprees Organisers

    All, first I would like to thank Bee Lee for highlighting this to me otherwise I would not have known that I was being wronged here.... would be liaising with bearybear directly but would like to explain that there was no intention to cheat anyone. In fact there was a package that was lost which...
