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  1. M

    Any Mummies in Sydney

    Hi Peachy, thanks for the infor. ya, some custom officers may be very picky. i am worried that i may not find the same type of formula that my baby is taking in sydney. then got to start him on another type which may take a while. how old is your baby? did it take long for you to settle...
  2. M

    Any Mummies in Sydney

    Hi Manta, thanks for your reply. looks like we have to look for a family doc instead. we will be moving to sydney in end feb and have not done any packing yet. things in australia are pretty ex but we hope we don't have to ship/ dhl too many things. by the way, is there any baby...
  3. M

    Any Mummies in Sydney

    Hi everyone, i am not sure if this thread is still active? We will be moving to sydney in end feb 2009 with our baby boy who has just turned 1. I have a couple of qns which i hope other singaporean mothers can help: - we will be staying near to the sydney women and children hospital. Does...
  4. M

    (2008/01) Jan 2008 MTBs

    Hi, I've attended several baby 1st mth celebration parties. Some celebrated before the baby reaches 30 days. I would like to know whether is there any procedure or customs to organise the Baby First Month Celebration early, ie, within the first 30 days or must it celebrate after 30 days? Thanks
