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  1. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, ladies Do not be disheartened and please be strong. I have been through mc in year apr 2006 naturally. And i conceived again 1 week after my mc. Even my gynae, families n friends commented that it is such a miracle and amazing. God is good and all things are possible. Take...
  2. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Winnie Do not give up. For me, i mc naturally in april 2006 at abt 5weeks pregnancy. God is good, i expected another baby after 1 week of my mc. Even my Gynae is so astonished and amazed, as he said this is very rare. Now, my boy is coming to 2 years liao.
  3. B

    What secondary are you from? let see if we can find our ex- class/schoomates?

    Hi, Soontai Im ex Pinyian @ Chai chee. So is my hubby, my BIL and a whole gang of friends. Which batch are u from?
  4. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, Shirley Indeed my baby boy is a miracle baby. Just to share, my hubby actually bought a car in Dec 2005 and his car plate number happen to my son date of birth in yr 2007. I strongly belived that God has great plan for us.
  5. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    For those who are beliver, just to share what i do. Before you BD and after BD, u just lay your hand on your tummy and pray God to bless your with a healthy baby. God Bless
  6. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Sticky Baby Dust~*~*~*~*~*~*~* to you Jappooh. Hope you can share your good news with us real soon to encourage the rest. May God bless you with the desire of your heart.
  7. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    This thread is moving very fast. Porky, about the question you aksed me. Yes, once my bleeding stop after mc (abt a week), hubby and me BD (actually not trying for baby but just BD). God is good, just for that one BD, i conceived immediately). Alot of ppl said that is too fast (as only...
  8. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, All Abt me conceving 1 week after m/c, i think most important is to know your body and also that i did not have a DNC. My baby is a God gift and blessing to us. We tried immediately after my 1 week menses stop and Praise God, we conceived immediately after 1 tried. God bless all TTcers...
  9. B

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, i just came across this thread, as to share my experience and hopefully it will encourage all TTCers. In April 2006, i was so happy that i was expecting my 2nd baby. However, my joy was shortlived, i m/c my baby naturally (without DnC) during 5 weeks into my pregnancy. It was very...
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    Cup cakes for birthday

    May I know if any mummies here make cupcakes which is gluten free, wheat free, egg free, dairies free & nut free?
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Im wondering how much my current flat at Bedok South can fetch? Its still undergoing ungrading. Do mummies know the market rate right now?
