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  1. M

    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    Rec your email, So cfrm change of date to Thursday 17 Jan 1-1.15pm Just to double check, i m collecting 3 items (1 clar+2 mascaras) cheers
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    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    Hi Collection at Raffles place MRT : (in front of 7-11/Citibank ATM/AXS machine): Wed 16 Jan, 1-115pm Pls cfm our meet up .. cn I have ur HP pls ? tt POSB Savings 049-20327-6 vickypandazy Transfer Currency and Amount S$4.39 Transaction Reference 10489287503
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    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    hi kindly advise whether my items are here yet can Pm me ? tks
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    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    Thks for informing! Qn: is california baby calendula cream incl in 20%? If yes, Pls drop item number 4 : Revlon Lash adhesive to replace with : <font color="0000ff">4) size : 2 OZ price...
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    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    tt done pls check for me re 20% discount. thks! Account POSB Savings 049-20327-6 vickypandazy Transfer Currency and Amount S$142.15 Transaction Reference 10392286241
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    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    Hi Added one item so my new oda list is as follows: Nick/Name: mink Collection mode: raffles place mrt lunch time or yr blk Email: [email protected] 1) color: Very...
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    WALGREENS USA @ 20% off Regular Items ~vicky~

    hi Nick/Name: mink Collection mode: raffles place mrt lunch time or yr blk Email: [email protected] 1) color: Very Black 311 price: us$6.89 2)...
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    Yew Kwang Studio Photography

    hi pls PM me , i am keen on 1.5hr outdoor session with all images returned thks
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    hi nonoelle oooo.. desiree is really growing up to be a heartbreaker ! gng to be a mei nu like mummy hope you ladies had fun for the get together, thks for your sms, wat with my recent holiday n my girl getting ill last wk, I haven't had chance to visit the thread. clarisa at least...
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    Ester sori, won't be able to make it on the 25th - hv got sthg on, Have a good one !!
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    hi mummies ! long tm no chance to visit this thread where's everyone gone - nonoelle, clarissa, spring ? ester congrats on ur VBAC ! your boy is of v gd wt I rem my girl was soooo lite - 2.9kg nia. All the wt gain went to me ha!!.Better choose a name soon don't want him to hv...
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    serena welcm hope to chat with u often piggydamien u cn try this out n hope it wrks for u too : Get some new colorful water toys n oni produce it when u r at the pool/ tub. Playing with the new toys will distract them frm being in the water re rt brain class IMHO they r all...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    stylo thks for the info on ma maison. will go try one day . u r quite the foodie i also like trying out new places tho' these days with bb in tow, the opportunity is getting lesser. using a dryer is relly so addictv. esp if no helper like me. u just open up n throw everythg in. no need tm...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    Rona I go wet mkt once a fortnite if I cn tahan for tht long. I hate gng to the wet mkt =P . even tho I m sahm, weekdays I alw get up early .. so weekends r the only tm I cn laze in bed for a while longer. I cn understd ur frustratn with ur girl . but mayb she is at the age when she need...
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    Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

    mist it wud be gd to gv fresh juice with the meds but i guess heinz brand wud suffice too. sori to hear abt u gettg sabo by ur mil n sil. agree with u n chocbabe, better nt to depend too much on ILs. o/w leave u in a lurch n exp u to find instant solutn chocbabe glad to hear that ur...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    tam glad to hear that ur boy is well enuf to be discharged. pls take care too stylo bb my mum also hv this habit of comparing other bbs =P . mayb its a granmom trait. if i am feelg patient that day i will let her drone abit. but if i m not, then i will quikly change topic. rona...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    rona thks for sharing abt ur experience at toilet training. nw she does tell me whenever she wants to poop. but when i haul her to the WC, she nvr poop lei. i think she is too amused by the act of perching atop the wc. i put her potty seat on top of my wc, so tht i cn cut one step of cleaning...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    tam hope ur boy get well soon ! we mummies alw suffer frm fatigue n heartpain when we see our little ones ill. stylo ok point noted. won't be rushing her.
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    stylo my girl is 17m nw. i hvnt started her potty training cos (ok, this sounds warped) i m nt lookg fwd to bringg her to the public loo. how old are the twins? hw old were they when u started toilet training and hw old were they when they suceeded ? me nvr change nick.. think slpy...
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    Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

    stylobb ur posts made me smile .. hehee.. esp the part u left the newspaper for ur boss to read n the one abt the traumatising loo (sori i knw u prolly didn't find it funny then) btw , hv u ever thot of buying those portable potty? i hv been having this phobia of bringg my girl (nw she's...
