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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    Patsy, thanks! Carole, wat goes around comes around... but u r as blind as a mice!
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    As a matter of fact, I'm asking for help... not selling item nor it was posted in WTB/Free items, I've posted it in matters of the heart, temporary holding place... but still was being intruded.. Haiz.. As for yr comments abt..."but what I think has happened is that janet/carole is preventing...
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    Does not mean that u r right even if u r a out-spoken person... I believe I'm not the first one to ask them to mind their own business/posts! So, the truth speaks for itself, no need for yr clarification.
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    patsy, I'm not angry but pissed! Yes, i heard"the saying a guilty person needs no accuser"-they're GUILTY. It's usually when a user needs help post their thread asking for help... then the user would only view their own thread for any response or any help offerred. It's my initial intention...
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    Ya, anonymouss.... con't to be (invisible) back-stabbers! Well, someone juz like this type of work... better still, with supporters!!!!
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    But Carole Ng & Janet (belong to the same flock of birds), who are u to give pre-warning? Did u draft the T & C? Or u own this forum? U aim to be the moderator for this forum? Have u put up yr request? Yr posts are mainly back-stabbing and reports to moderators! Kindly reflect upon yr own actions.
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    Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

    Janet, Carol... Aft reading these posts... I've only a few comments. 1) Shld not do posting simply to increase the post numbers. 2) Shld not act like back-stabbers! 3) Shld mind yr OWN business/thread only. 4) It's a shared forum u can suggest but not act on yr own. Personally, I agree...
