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  1. L

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Unice, my bb is also having the same problem as yours. White oil clots and tiny red pimples on his face. I actually wiped his mouth with wet cloth after each feed, but still has the same problem. Guess it must be the mittens that cause the problem. Will have to change it more frequently.
  2. L

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Joyce Thank you so much for sending the link. After reading, mine's more of a milk blister. Think my baby's not latching on properly on my left breast, which caused this problem.
  3. L

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi all I'm new here. My baby's 4 wks old now. Has anyone encountered plugged ducts? How can I remove the plugged ducts?
