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  1. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi I'm suppose to do preg test on Mon, but got cramp and staining today. Does anyone know whether if not pregnant, can get menses now? is it menses?
  2. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    petals thanks weiwei so happy for you got so many follicle. I only got abt 6 but only 3 good size one. but luckily when they retrivede eggs, manage to get 7. I very scared to do HPT la. don't know whether to do or not. what if negative?
  3. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei i was on puregon 250u x 7days,then 400u x 4days. never mind abt work la. they will give you MC to cover one . all de best for US today have been enjoying not working since 23 May nice not having any work stress but hubby say my brain is rotting already. Bleuh! he just...
  4. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei I think just get more bruises with puregon needle. I didn't have any bruising at all with lucrin but with puregon my whole abd was like a patchwork of blueblack, green n yellow! goodluck for scan tomm. i still waiting for my preg test on mon but very xian already. no guts to...
  5. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei can i just check with u, de syringe for lucrin did u use 2 types? 1 50u one dat comes with de lucrin box n 1 30 u one fr de pharmacy? did u find any diff bet de 2?
  6. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei what food cannot eat in 2ww?
  7. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei thanks 4 advise re OHSS think i going thru this process very blur bt things. but i think its coz i don't want to know too much also. den will worry bt things.. good luck with puregon. things move very fast once u start puregon. do u have to jab 2 times on de last day? cancerian...
  8. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei i on sc pregnyl 1000u every 3 days. 4 doses. but dey keep reminding me if anytme got breatheless or distended abd have to go down bec maybe OHSS. maybe have to admit n change fr sc pregnyl to IM progesterone daily which is also more painful. so far have 2 doses and ok. fingers crossed...
  9. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei i think i was quite lucky i got a very experince nurse to take my bld. i abit chubby so not easy see my vein but she still got it first try and not very pain some more. and no bruise. can't really remember who tho. u recall who was ur nurse? i think the u/s lady is always de same ...
  10. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei ya hubby can sit beside u during ET but not ER which is in a small operating theatre if can, ur hubby can plan to take leave on ur ER n ET day. ER (in de morning) so he can can fetch u there n back. u will be quite sleepy in de aft. ET in de morning. so at least take 1/2 day...
  11. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei good luck! ur hubby sd like he is very steady and solid. a rock u can depend on maplebabies sds like many of us like building our castles in de air. on de one hand we don't want to have too high hopes and start thinking of names but we also can't help it . do u play reality...
  12. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi mika dun worry. just follow de flow. have u gone 4 counselling with MSW? I fd it very useful. kinda put things into perspective 4 me n suggested useful tips on coping. all de best as u embark on dis journey! be positive!!!
  13. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    weiwei can ur hubby help u remember ur jabs? 4 me, I go thru the injection part n scanning etc. he does de remembering part, like my appts, remind me bt meds, injections etc. gives him a part to play was reminded today bt how much hubby goes thru as well. went for ET today and he was more...
  14. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi gals ER went quite smoothly today. Glad coz I had bad experience with my last procedure in Jan to remove a fibroid. husband had to prod sperm at 645am then arrive there 730am. change into gown which exposes ur behind but got extra 'kimono' to wear over. then go to OT, anaesthetist will...
  15. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi gals, just to share my experience so far for those going thru lucrin. I have completed all my jabs. had total of 31d lucrin continuously. lucrin very easy, minimal side effects and life almost goes on as normal. then puregon starts. for me started d 21 of lucrin but some pple D14 only...
  16. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Vonvon Congratulations! Must try and take it easy during this time
  17. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    fond, i'm going down for scan this thurs. bit more used to getting 2 injections now. seem to get more bruising tho. with lucrin very easy straightforward and no marks but quite a bit of bruises since starting puregon. got headaches too. but not sure bec of med or just stress / tired...
  18. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Piggy Thanks. Does that mean other places give more MC? And no MC given after ET?
  19. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    fond u can try calling IVF centre and ask nurses there what the procedure is. whether u meet e dr to discuss dose. actually I also blur blur. half the time what is told to me in the clinics I also cannot remember, so I only know my dosage of puregon only when I went down to collect it on the...
  20. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Weiwei How was your first lucrin? are you doing yourself or hubby? Fond I have not seen any dr at all since I started my injections. all handled by nurses. Dr Sheila Loh had discussed with me earlier the reason for choosing the dosage bec I think mine abit complicated. I had a small...
