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    IVF 40ish support group

    Supplements: UBiquinol DHEA Vit c, e Methyl folate Melatonin also stopped using plastic containers also ate eggs nearly everyday day during stim phase - but that’s not part of the egg book regime…
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    Nanny/baby sitter - bedok/siglap area

    Looking for day nanny / baby sitter to help with care of baby boy… east side bedok/ siglap area :)
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    IVF 40ish support group

    Hi, Just to share, I followed the book for 3 months leading up to my first IVF cycle. Succeeded on first attempt, delivered my baby boy last month. I’m 39, turning 40 soon with low ovarian reserve.
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    I'm nearly 15 weeks... still not sure of gender yet... wonder if there are mummies-to-be like me who don't want to know and prefer it to be a surprise... haha.
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    Hi, $45 for all, will mail also.
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    Hi, Also have duphaston to sell. 3 slabs of 20 pills (10mg).
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    covid positive while pregnant

    I tested positive when I was 6weeks, even though I was fully vaccinated and boosted. Fell quite sick, but I seem to have recovered fine and baby is ok.
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Mind sharing the name of the gynae you got assigned? I prefer female gynae...
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    How are you doing? Hope you are better... I had 2 days of spotting last week, went to KKH urgent o&g, rested like crazy for a week. Progesterone got increased to 3times daily. Things seem to be OK now. Waiting for screening tests in 2 weeks.
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Not sure where to start also wanting things to be more settled with baby first.
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Take kare… rest more. Hope all goes well by the time you see your gynae next.
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Yes, probably might do this :)
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Hi carouser, care to share your reasons?
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Hi ladies, Any thoughts on staying with subsidized care at KKH or moving to a private gynae?
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    Nov 2022 Mummies (forum only)

    Hi ladies, Just went for my first scan last week and saw my baby’s heartbeat I’m due in Nov. I just turned 39 in March and this is my first baby after a round of IVF at KKH. So I’m super kan cheong…
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Rude shock today. Found out that fertility related treatments are completely excluded from my employment medical benefits. So even though they only provide paltry specialist medical benefits, if cannot be used to defray some fertility related treatment costs. OM
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hi iibears! Yes, let's jia you together. Wonder what made you decide to go with IVF instead of 1 more cycle of SOIUI? OM
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    Trying to conceive 2020

    Hi everyone, New to this group. Just started SOIUI @ KKH. Currently CD7 on daily menupur injections. Hoping to get some support as all things TTC seems slightly overwhelming at this time. I'm 37 with low AMH, husband is 42 with mild sperm factor issue (morphology). Hence, we were offered...
