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  1. L

    WTB: Hello Kitty Wizard of Oz, Red Riding Hood & Frog Prince

    Hi, didn't receive yr email. Have PM you.
  2. L

    WTB: Hello Kitty Wizard of Oz, Red Riding Hood & Frog Prince

    I have a red riding hood and frog prince with box for sale at $10 each, please email me at [email protected] for fast deal.
  3. L

    Blacklisting of bad BP/Sprees Organisers

    hi chin leng/bee lee I am sure many have queries regarding the appointment of BP organisers. Wld appreciate yr response. 1) what do u mean when u said BP is restriced and so easier to keep poor BP organisers out? How wld bad BP organiser be kept out. 2) How can i qualify as BP organiser...
  4. L

    Any Porridge Recipies to Share??

    Hi Thumbprint Can you please PM me the link. Thanks for sharing with mommies!
  5. L

    Any mommies staying in Hougang?

    hi Mar mum, glad u knoe who i am cos i realised i forgot to introduce myself earlier! Hehe!.. hi chic mum, hope u've a fast recovery! hi abyanne, i agreed with mar mum u really conquer the east zone huh! Send my regards to pauline!
  6. L

    Any mommies staying in Hougang?

    Hi there, Thanks for inviting me to your HG Mommies thread! It's really amazing to be able to meet up with nice mommies ard during our last gathering. Well, hope didn scare some of u though by my sudden intrusion! Hehe.... Really hope to see u guys again. Will try to drop by on this wed...
