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  1. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    cloudys, yeah it's tough on the guys. everybody comes over to see baby first, mother second, and very few people ask how the father is doing. it's normal for him to feel neglected so need to spare a thought for him too ya? nobody come and see him... so i'm sure he's feeling alone and left out...
  2. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    mdm ida: sky, cef, ladyk, wow so envious you all got her! i am getting her friend mdm nur, she's coming tomorrow hope she's got her fare share of advice too... cross fingers... fenugreek: ladyk, how long before the fenugreek started to kick in? i've been taking for 1.5 days and nothing...
  3. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    bathing, i also broke all the rules back in the hospital :P bathed the very day after i delivered... but then i delivered in the wee hours of the morning so by the time evening came the hot water was SUPER shiok!! going to watch movie at midnight tonight :P
  4. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    jules, how u know jin? we were in council together...
  5. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    hi mummies, i think mood also affect ss issit? today i was irritated with CL and then after that I tried to sort out my pictures so not in the forum all day... managed to knuckle out all the lumps in the right boob and FINALLY my left output = right output! then i latched Janine on for...
  6. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Argh so upset with Confinement Lady. she wrapped up Janine's fallen off cord in a piece of used tissue paper and subsequently 'lost' it! Now I have Caitlin's and nothing for Janine! Grrrrrrr! Lunch and dinner always late, and while talking to me she didn't pay attention to watching Janine who...
  7. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Givvup liao. Decided to raid my stores of Fenugreek since SS never increase for the last week.
  8. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    miracle, yeah i used to latch on my #1 for night feeds also cos she would drink, fall asleep, wake up and drink again, fall back asleep etc... so her feeds took super long. i ended up feeding her horizontally! can wan... installed a baby fence so she wouldn't fall off the edge of the bed when...
  9. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    if only our boobs could rotate around our body, then we can pump while lying down... ahh....
  10. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Mooooooo *cow call*
  11. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    anybody else up?
  12. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    Sigh I couldn't get mdm Ida leh she said she not free? So I am going with her friend mdm Nur. Never mind right should be same kind of massage right?
  13. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    jon, my #1's cord fell off only day 14 so don't worry lah let it come off when it wants to [IMG=] pacifier: i guess there is rational to using pacifier if you have a wailer that wakes the entire neighbourhood at 3 in the...
  14. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    sky, hmm there is no better time to start date nights than now especially when we are all so stressed and hubby is adjusting to the new baby. I already went out with hubby on saturday night, got stitches and piles and kena jab and uterus contractions, here pain there pain, but we just really...
  15. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    hi bebe! at least today got kaki at 5.30! kekeke. i overslept larh. i am using mamex leh, my girl seems to like it so it became the brand of choice in my house.
  16. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    hi ladyk, yes date nights means hubby and i go out and have fun and alone time together. after the kiddies come and go, it will still be us two and i hope to grow old with him. kids will be center of attention for probably only 12-15 years and then we will be 'uncool' to hang out with so we...
  17. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    hi starflower, yeah thanks for sharing. I am one of those mummies who almost split with hubby also soon after our #1. Things have been different with kids. now we have enforced Date Nights after a few sessions of marital counselling, it helps...
  18. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    sky, ya lor i hope she comes home soon too, i miss all her little noises and her cute smiles [IMG=] all the pain is worth it right when you see them smile?
  19. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    yay! finally confirmed with Mdm Ida's friend, Mdm Nur... i get a ML finally heehee
  20. R

    (2010/03) March 2010 mtb

    WF, wah got energy to go to church! be careful now HFMD is back on the rise i'm afraid my #1 will get it from sunday school and bring it home and touch #2 so i think i will wait until #2 is at least a month old and has built up a bit of resistance to germies!
