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  1. K

    (2007/06) June 2007 MTB

    Hi Devil, Happy Birthday to your princess! My girl is 3 days older then your girl. Happy Birthday to all the boys and girls here!
  2. K

    (2007/06) June 2007 MTB

    My boy was from PCF too, he is in primary one this year and he scored 90% up for all the three subjects, so i think PCF is ok.... They learn phonics too. My girl also going to PCF next year...
  3. K

    Anyone tried the new Dumex Mamil Infant 1 FM w Immunofortis?

    Hi all, I have just bought a tin of new Dumex Infant FM with Immunofortis Step 1 for my 4mth+ baby to try yesterday because she got ezeama. Heard that this formula helps to prevent allergy so hope it helps. Will update you all again.
  4. K

    Disappointed Mum to be..

    My mum told me she was disappointed when she gave birth to me after knowing i am a GIRL! (I am her first child) That's break my HEART! Now, my mum and i can talk about anything, but my brothers not much commumication with my mum.
  5. K

    Cure for Milk rash

    Hi Eunice Yes, it is itch so she will rub her face.
  6. K

    Cure for Milk rash

    Heard this before from a old lady (use bb urine to clean her face), but i never try before...don't dare to try.
  7. K

    1st trimester:Hungry all the time

    hi Karen jingwen, Sorry for late reply. I have given birth in june, it is a girl! Quite busy and tiring taking care of my boy and baby. My baby is coming two months old now. Guess your baby is around three months old now?
  8. K

    1st trimester:Hungry all the time

    Hi karen, Just to check with you, did your tummy show faster for the second pregnancy compare to the first pregnancy? Thanks!
  9. K

    1st trimester:Hungry all the time

    Hi Karen, I am due on 28 June next year. So now you must be in the 2nd trimester, any more morning sickness?
  10. K

    1st trimester:Hungry all the time

    This is my 2nd pregnancy, still in first trimester. I will get hungry easily, if i didn't eat when i am very hungry, i will feel like vomiting. I can't eat alot too, if i eat too much, i will feel like vomiting. so i can only eat small portion with 5 meals everyday. I wanted to control...
