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  1. W

    Support Group - Stillbirths

    Hi Gals, I gave up my pregnancy 3 months back due to fetal abnormality during the end of my 2 trimester. It was an induced natural birth. After 1 month, my menses came. It was very heavy - 7 days. Then the following month, the menses lasted for 3 days only.But just when I tot the menses were...
  2. W

    Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

    if we have endo and leave it alone, will it lead to anything serious like having the need to remove the whole uterus? whats the chances that we will "survive" and reach menopause w/o any problems?
  3. W

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Bebechic, Could it be that your dates were wrong or your cycle irregular? How long has it been since you were tested +ve? I did manage to see a white in the black gestational sac, which was the developing embryo... Hopefully yours is a problem with mixed up dates.... Do be strong...
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    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Linda, I got preggie this time 1 cycle after my m/c, so only had 1 AF in between. Even though I was told that it should be alright but the fear will still be here.... Each time I go to the loo, will always get scared in case I see any spotting... Guess having a previous m/c will...
  5. W

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Vera and Tin tin, Just went to the gynae yesterday... Actually now only 6 wks and not 8 wks, cycle was delayed cos of the m/c... Did u/s and managed to see the heartbeat.... Crossing my fingers and hoping that all goes well Good luck to the rest of you too!
  6. W

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Vera, Thanks for your concern.... Have been busy the last wk, no time to log on.... I'm alright, now 8 wks... Keeping my fingers crossed this time.... Fortunately no spotting so far.... Have not seen my gynae yet, but will be going down this wk.... How are things with you? Did...
  7. W

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi all, Anyone pregnant after miscarriage? I've just found out that I'm preggie again after m/c 3 months ago, and fearful that the same thing will happen again.... Also is it common for breasts to be less tender than b4?
