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  1. D

    How frequent to have sex is normal

    Agreed with @Jennifer_84 Most men have ego and will feel insecure when other men are ogling at his women. Same goes for me. I too will felt jealous/insecure when other men are ogling at my woman. Again, it makes me feel a relief that meaning my woman are still attractive. Hence I do treasure her...
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    Agreed with the rest. First try gather more proof first. He may contested later... So you will want to find out more solid proof. Just those apps in handphone alone isn't sufficient enough (I think). Overall, still have to have a talk with him. If you have really made the final decision to...
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    Yes. Depending on various reasons too. But sometimes intimacy can meant different meaning. No need really have to be s3x. Can be intimate contacts such as hugging, or even kissing, or foreplay etc...
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    I think have to depend on why sudden stop also. Sometime too stress at work or something But if keep on 'rejecting', then probably really is suspicious...
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    How to jumpstart a wilting marriage?

    My case is similar to TS. Just am a man though. We've been married for 12yrs. Used to be 'inseparable' and will take the opportunity of a single time to spend time together. Of course have to admit that there's up and downs during this time. But we both stay together, and overcome it together...
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    Glad to hear that! Hope it went on well for both of you! How I hope my wife is as accommodating as you.. Oops...
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    Low Ovarian Reserve Support Group

    Oops. You are right. Sorry.. I did a quick search (google), and seems singapore don't have such. can only go through US website to get it...
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    Low Ovarian Reserve Support Group

    you can try this.. though i nvr used before...
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    Low Ovarian Reserve Support Group

    Beside taking nutrition food and balance diet, avoid unhealthy food especially processed food and alcohol/smoking. Fertility massage helps too and of course free of stress.
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    If there is and allow male to join.. am keen also.. my wife too had tried 2 ivf and 1 iui and fertility massage and finally got pregnant...but miscarriage due to some issue.. am at my downest point of life as well as thought finally can have a kid after 16yrs...
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    Property Agents?

    Of course it doesn't work. Post are from 2015...
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    any 35 and above trying for their first?

    My wife and I are in the 40s as well. 2yrs ago, my wife did get pregnant after much trying... (She's 40 and I'm 42 at that time) However, due to mishap, she got miscarriage in the end. Since then, she lost hope, and perhaps phobia, now don't want baby anymore. I do agreed with some that stress...
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    Am i Being Selfish?

    Well, even you sell the house to pay his debts off, you won't be able to get another house loan. Because of his credit rating. After clearing off the debts, he need to wait for 2yrs?, before he is eligible to apply for loan. Hence, selling the house away is not a good option. Yes. Like my wife...
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    Am i Being Selfish?

    Well, I don't think you should help settle his debts. Worst, by selling the house. This is definitely a no no. House is not cheap nowadays too. If after selling and clearing the debts, the leftover may not even enough to get a house of your current flat type. Or can only 'downgrade' to a smaller...
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    Why Married?

    Well, many of times, we married because we want to spent the rest of time with the person. We want to accept his/her good and bad, as long as both are happily together. But many of times, things changes and may not be that good as before. The world outside is full of attractions which may lead...
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    Should I change my helper?

    So far beside her badmouthing, is she consider ok to you? If ok, then I suggest to talk to her, and give her some warning about badmouthing. If she still continue, then you can consider changing her
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    Can understand. You need to ask yourself. If the trust for your hubby can be build up again? Since as you mentioned, this is not the first time. So if in the past you can, perhaps this time you can also. It's all about if you are willing or not, be it he did/didn't have affair. Secondly, if...
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    HI chelsa1980, From the way he acted on Sunday, seems like he's hiding something away from you, that don't want you to find out. Guess trust is already lost in this way. If I'm were you, I will also be devastated and doubt his action/words. For the bikini photos, does he says in a jokingly way...
  19. D


    Err. Why will a married person set up a tinder account? Isn't Tinder an app for dating? If he just want to find a stranger to talk about his marriage issue, wechat or other forum (like motherhood?) is more than good enough. Sorry to say, having install and chatting on Tinder to me doesn't seems...
  20. D


    Thanks for the reminding. Yes. I mix a bit of water, to dilute it. But even pour pure into my wife's body, still ok. So far no burn (touchwood). Ya. You wish your husband is as enthusiastic. I wish my wife also like you. Lol. Well then, we can only 'wish', hope and pray..
