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  1. H

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies, I had my D&C on the 26 Oct (2 weeks ago) and am still bleeding. The flow is not heavy, only noticeable after going to the toilet. I’ve seen my gynae on 08 Nov for a review post D&C and asked her about this. She told me that this is normal and takes time to subside. However, I...
  2. H

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies... this is my story. 2014 Managed to conceive naturally after 3 months of trying. But was told I had a missed miscarriage at week 9 (fetus stopped growing at week 6). Had a D&C to remove the fetus. 2015 A year of futile trying. Changed to a less stressful job for baby making. I'm...
