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  1. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Had a bit of cramps, but nothing like menstrual cramps. It was very slight and felt like it was due to having the catheter irritating the uterus. Discharge as per normal. Like cervical mucus that kind.
  2. M

    KKH SO IUI experience...

    KKH SO IUI experience
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    KKH SO IUI experience

    KKH SO IUI experience
  5. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Clinic opens at 7.30 a.m., ultrasounds start at 8 a.m. (Sharp, from what I saw), queue number system. Ultrasounds are fast, it's the wait for review that's slower. Based on gut feeling, for ultrasounds, think about 5 minutes per lady? Then the doctor will start to call numbers for reviews at...
  6. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Thanks. Tested today. First IUI. At KKH too. Doing Puregon, no clomid. - Briefing is mainly a financial briefing. Let you know how much to pay, what you're paying for, how to pay. - Prescription - for me, it was prescribed when I went back on CD 2. Have to ask KKH if during briefing, you have...
  7. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi all, update. I've got positives from the Guardian pregnancy test kits. 13th day after IUI procedure. Awaiting blood test at kkh. It's scheduled for the 20th day. So basically, no symptoms after IUI. Good luck to everyone.
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Thanks for the information! Always good to have choices.
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    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hmm @stardust29 I did my IUI last Monday. 25th Sept. Adjusted for the scheduling at work to fit all the ultrasounds for IUI. I'm also looking into the food I take. Exercise and all, everything as per usual. Food wise, I think it's good to have a nutritional routine even without a baby. I run...
  10. M

    IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

    Hi everyone, new here. Would like to check KKH SO-IUI experiences with you ladies and husbands. I just want to know if there's something you wished you had known beforehand, and if you remember, how many scans did you do at KKH before they did IUI. Started KKH SO-IUI recently. All tests...
