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  1. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    I paid $494 for oscar test and week 20 anomaly scan at TMC. This is the discounted rate after signing up TMC FBI membership. The membership is $98.
  2. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    Amnio is invasive and has 1% miscarriage risk. Have you considered doing oscar or other nipt like harmony, igene, panaroma?
  3. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    Twice a week is alot! My checks so far 7wk, 9wk, 12wk (oscar test at hosp), 13wk (receive results of oscar test). Oncoming 16wk and then once every month from then.
  4. S

    April 2018 Mummies

    Just called ystd. Receptionist said doc doesnt tell results over the phone. :( Have to come down for appt then I will know. Sigh.
  5. S

    April 2018 Mummies

    Thanks! Hope my doctor calls me tomorrow! I really dont want to wait until tues then can see him!
  6. S

    April 2018 Mummies

    May I know those who take OSCAR test, how long did you have to wait for the results? I have to wait 6 days till my next gynae’s appt and the wait is sooo long.
  7. S

    April 2018 Mummies

    Depends on the airport security machine, the newer ones which need you to raise your hands up 3 secs, while they scan, the machine is said to be even lower radiation than a mobile phone. The older ones, which you just walk through, I not sure. I was at a US customs and asked if I can opt out of...
  8. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    Just a mini rant; I was explaining myself at work because someone wrongly accused me. The person felt I was super defensive and said, “i think you are pregnant, you are having hormone change.” What?! It doesn’t even make sense? Be it I am preg or not, I would still stand up for myself and...
  9. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    Check out what are the clinics near your house, which doctor works in those clinics, which hospitals those doctors deliver at, are you okay with the hospital. And research through forums for good reviews.
  10. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    I have went for my week 9 scan. Scheduled to do the down syndrome test in the next appt. What test do most mummies choose? I am choosing the Oscar test, hopefully that is good enough to detect.
  11. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    I am eating normally too. My husband and me both think that it is better for me to eat whatever I like, than to force myself to eat a clean diet and have no appetite at all. If I am having unhealthy meals like fast food, I have it once a week. If I really want to drink tea, I drink every...
  12. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    First trimester is especially vulnerable, so the more you should inform your boss if you need to discuss or nego some duties you may not be able to perform.
  13. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    After I see gynae at my week 7, I got my gynae to write a letter and inform my line manager immediately because my job requires some manual work and I was hoping to 'nego' to do some other duties.
  14. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    I just went for my first gynae appt. Not sure if my doc is too chill or what. Only did an ultrasound scan and a short consultation. That's all, he also didnt prescribe me anything else because I already had my own folic acid. The ultrasound scan can tell I am already at week 7! He wants to see...
  15. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    I experienced some twitching too. But its not painful and not very often. Sometimes once a day or once every two days.
  16. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    Found this article published in May 2017. Hope it gives you some assurance.
  17. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    I have a Japan trip upcoming too in Dec. I booked it even before I realized I was pregnant. Why does she recommend you to cancel?
  18. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    No nausea yet at week 5. But very poor appetite. Nothing seems to interest me to eat.
  19. S

    May 2018 Mummies

    Just found out I was pregnant yesterday, it was unexpected and I honestly wasn't ready even though we had been married for a year now. My first reaction was me crying because of all the insecurities impending, e.g. financial & my job. Nonetheless, when I calmed down, I accepted this precious...
