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  1. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Hey, why didn't you share with your husband this great news? U intend to go checkup alone on the 26 Aug?
  2. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Yes yes I hope can see the sac during ultrasound. [emoji4]
  3. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Me only break to one of my gf and been trying not to share, tough for me. On the way to see gynae now, after that then will tell immediate family members know [emoji4]
  4. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Yes! WhatsApp group! [emoji4] let me pm u
  5. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    I think during pregnancy our body temperature will be higher. But I still feel very cold easily. These few nights I woke up around 3-5plus am to off the air con coz it's just tooo cold.
  6. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Hello! My EDD is around 2 April (if the app is accurate), and my first appt is on Friday. Was wondering if I go this Friday will it be a wasted trip? As in gynae can't do much and scan also cannot see.
  7. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    I also can't believe it. Hence I did 2 test and both got 2 lines.
  8. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Yes! Called yesterday to make appointment with my previous gynae who treated my polyp removal. Appointment This Friday [emoji4] can't wait
  9. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Same here... whole weekend just felt so tired and just feel like lying on bed and do nothing else
  10. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    When is your first date of last menses? Mine is 26 June.. not sure if go Gynae can see anything anot... as what the rest shared...
  11. L

    April 2018 Mummies

    Me! Tested positive this morning and very excited! This is my first pregrancy.
