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  1. G

    Incompetent Cervix = Cerclage + Bed Rest

    Hi Mei Hui, Did u stay long in hospital? I was given the option to go home but i aint risking it. Me too scared. Am thinking of only going home after 28 or 32 weeks. Yes it is great to know other horizontal mummies too!! Lol thats what i call myself. The mummy before me on the same bed was from...
  2. G

    Incompetent Cervix = Cerclage + Bed Rest

    Hi, i am not sure if can claim but i have submitted to GE. Pending for their approval now. Any luck on your side?
  3. G

    Incompetent Cervix = Cerclage + Bed Rest

    Hi Mei Hui, I m lying on the hospital bed as i type this reply to u. Was warded to SGH after consulting Prof Tan. Hehehe I just hit my 1st milestone. 24 weeks. Had my 2 shots of steroids & 24hr mag iv. Next milestone for me will be 28 weeks. Took Class B2 coz got subsidy. It is quite cooling...
  4. G

    Incompetent Cervix = Cerclage + Bed Rest

    Hi! How far did u made it?? I am still experiencing cramps. I am worried its contractions. Did u experience cramps after cerclage?
  5. G

    Incompetent Cervix = Cerclage + Bed Rest

    Dear all, I was 21 weeks when i had a rescue cerclage. Was funnelling with bulging membrane. Dr managed to stitch me up and i am to remain on bed rest till delivery. I will be visiting Prof Tan on thursday, referred to by my gynae. All had been well for the 18 days.. till yesterday. I had bad...
  6. G

    Help!! endometriosis laparoscopy

    The usual menses cramp. Uncomfortable but bearable. But i do have mid-cycle spotting. Whenever near ovulation period, i will spot like 2 panty-liners filled. Comes suddenly, and i will feel wet with cramp. Go toilet check, will surely see bright blood. Dr says it could be the polyps thats...
  7. G

    Help!! endometriosis laparoscopy

    Dear all, i need some advise. My partner and i have been trying for a baby for the past 6 months. He is 40 and i'm 38. We decided to seek help and consulted Dr Loh SF. I just went for blood test and him, his semen/sperm test. His test result was good though his Morphology Oval was 2.0. My egg...
