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  1. M

    Jan 2018 Mummies to be

    Hello! Im wk 11 now, saw online saying that we can start prenatal yoga in wk 12. Anyone got plans for going or has went before can share if its good to go and the price? Not sure if there are any near wher im leaving :) im staying in pggol :)
  2. M

    Jan 2018 Mummies to be

    Hi! I jus finished my scan today at the same location as yours! The personnels there are all very nice! And u need the little one to cooperate to turn to the right positions for the scans to be captured well! They will also ask if u want to sign up for the thomson medical membership for a year...
  3. M

    Jan 2018 Mummies to be

    Hi, can i know whats the fb grp for 2018 mommies? My child is also due first wk of jan!
  4. M

    Jan 2018 Mummies to be

    Not sure yet, but she wants me to go see chinese doc to get those herbs. But my gynae also gave a lot of medicine to eat too. Not sure if chinese med helps in pregnancy?
  5. M

    Jan 2018 Mummies to be

    Hi there! Im a first time mummy here! Edd 7 jan 17 :/ currently visiting dr adrian from sengkang. Anyone under him too?:) do you guys know if taking chinese medicine for pregnancy is ok? Cause my mil is a fanatic of chinese med but my gynae is super anti chinese med :/
  6. M

    Feb 2018 mummies to be

    Hi 5! Im with Dr Adrian too! Saw a lot of forum saying he is good, but his consultation time is always so short that im abit worried:/ and he gave me a lot of meds to consume :/
