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  1. M

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    Hey gals Cheer up! I was in your shoes before I was pregnant last year and had given birth to a beautiful gal this year march 2006! Let me have a brief history of my TCC story. Have been TCC since 5 years back but every month was heart breaking when 'auntie' came. Later in the years, I...
  2. M

    (2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

    hello mummies I used to have problems with my gal too ...aiyoyo waking up ard 2, 3 and then 6 in the mrg! tried everything but like your case , she just refused to be put down on bed and SLEEP! Me and my hub was so exhausted and I decided to do some reserach. By chance, I came upon a book...
