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  1. K

    (2024/05/20) Proven AIR-CON SERVICEw/2,000+ SMH-Mummies' Supports So Far!FREE SWAROVSKI-Ring PROMO!

    Hi Sms to u tis pm....awaiting yr response. For normal servicing of aircon, does it incl cleaning of the condenser unit? Thks!
  2. K

    Egyptian Magic Cream @ US$23 free domestic shipping - Sengkang, Tampines, Postage

    Hi Leng Leng One tub for me. Will prob collect together w the yoghurt melts. Just transferred SGD40 to yr POSB a/c. Trxn ref - 2957019330. Cheers, KCM
  3. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    For those looking for the fried yam paste mooncakes, you may wanna consider trying Chef Chan's kitchen ones as alternative. I have tried them b4 and not too bad. Dunno whether it's available oredi or not. His restaurant is at Odeon Towers, opp Raffles Hotel.
  4. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi everyone Wow! did not log-in for a few days, so many postings to go thru and surprise to see actual BB photos being posted here oredi.... ilovemybabyg - Congratulations on your new-born! Your gal looks cute, esp w her rossy chubby cheeks! She looks so alert...must be eager to find out...
  5. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Jo It's ok....we gain some we loose some. Sometimes got no time or energy to compare prices around. Remembered when I was abt 4 mths plus pregnant, bot a baby doll dress from a shop @ Raffles plc for almost $70. Then 2 days later, saw the exact same dress at another shop for $35. Felt...
  6. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Jo I went to the People's Park outlet... Originally was looking out for the two for 17.90 ones as mentioned by some MTBs here, but the sales gal told me to take the Eternity ones cos got 20% off. Didn't notice much of diff betw the 2 brands. They all look like grannies' bras to me...
  7. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Good Morning Mummies & MTBs, Went to OG sales over the weekend too...Just to share there's another brand of nursing bra at OG too - Eternity. It's selling @ $9.90, before 20% off. A good buy! Mustella products oso got 20% off. So I bot the foam shampoo for newborn. Cheers...
  8. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies Was going thru yesterday's posting and saw the items to pack for the hospital bag.... One more item you may wanna add is the KIT for cord blood if you have oredi signed up for one. Wei Kuan - So far I have only bot 2 packs of Mama Poko NB pampers. Just got them over last weekend...
  9. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Jenny Yes, it's wat u ve posted this am. Slim w wings, cotton and the net ones.... Think I need to buy some more too...3 pkts (24 pcs) won't be enuf.... if I were to use 3 pads a day, it will only last me for 8 days....
  10. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Aspialle, U may wanna boil some Jin Ying Hua, and let it cool b4 using the water to wipe yourself. If you want, you may oso drink a small cup as it helps to "clean + detoxify" your blood. But not too much, cos it may be too liang.
  11. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies Just wanna share that Watson is having 20% off for the Sofy pads. $2.85 for 8 pcs b4 20% off. It oso comes in pack of 20, but i forgot the price. I just bot 2 packs at $2.75 from Giant over the weekend. Bot another pack from Watson just now, cos dun think 16pcs will be sufficient...
  12. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Wei Kuan Hope U are feeling better today. U may wanna contact your gynae if you still feel the discomfort today. Esther - I do have some problem sleeping at times. I also wake up a few times at nite bcos of numbness of hand, backache, pelvic ache etc...
  13. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Good Morning MTB, Went for my checkup last fri. BB is about 2.1kg now, her head is still down and can't see her face oredi cos my pelvic bone blocking...Going for a CTG scan in 2wks time.... Put on 1.2kg within a period of 3wks for myself. A question to MTB who have started packing...
  14. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Wei Kuan, my mil is going to buy the red dates first and ask my bil's maid to extract the seeds first. My hb will bring her to si ma lu in Sep to buy the rest of the herbs.
  15. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies The thread moved really fast.... lots of catch-up after not logging in for a wk plus. Selina, here's my details: Nick : KCM Age : 32 BB gender : Princess BB name : Not confirmed Wt : 1.9kg @ Wk 30 EDD : Oct 9 Gynae : Dr Loh Hosp : KKH Love Nest : Punggol Thanks in...
  16. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Jackiejon I still drink my tea-si or earl grey everyday. At times, I even drink chinese tea. Read somewhere that 1-2 cups a day is okie... I drinking my "Ku Ting" chai now bcos of cough and sore throat. Rgds.
  17. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Jackiejon, Yes, tat's why till now I've yet to decide which one to go for. I have to sign up latest by the following wk, cos now oredi 31wk plus. Begining of this year when I was warded bcos of dehydration, I chose the 2 bedded ward but end up it was as noisy as the 4 bedded ones. My...
  18. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Coral & Jackiejon KK only offers 1 or 4 bedded for delivery. Can only choose 2 bedded for other women's problem. I was stunned....
  19. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies Anyone noes any "secret receipe" to treat cold sores, other than going to the GP. I have one at the corner of my mouth, and it's quite painful. Thanks!
  20. K

    (2006/10) OCTOBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Ladies Can I join in? My details as follow: Nick : KCM Expecting : Princess EDD : Oct 9 Hospital : KK Doctor : Dr Loh cheers....
