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    Any comment on Dr Yvonne Chan??

    Hi Yoko... You can always opt for Epidural...painless natural birth :p
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    6 in 1 vaccination for BB, help!

    Hi, Dunno abt the baby have to see doc part, but when my gal went back to polyclinic for her subsequent 2nd & third jabs, she did not have to see doc. Just proceed to vacination room after getting number. The nurse also prescibe fever medicine for her just in case.
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    Hi, Hubbies are now better educated and should do a bit of thinking first before agreeing blindly. I think its impt for them to be on our side, to support us every time we disagree with our MILs. At least they act as buffer/refree between us and MILs and make sure thing do not get out of...
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    Hi HateMIL, I agree, the older generation feels that since they have seen more of the world, they know things we dunno. But they dun understand times have changed and last times' method might no longer be applicable in this era. Explain to them leh....better dun waste strength and...
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    Hi that's life, Yeah, I guess you can say that, "Hao ren you hao bao". I am one of the lucky ones whose MIL is not bad but sometimes we also have our disagreements or opinions, especially since I am staying at her house. I feel like a guest there and also feel bad imposing on her...
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    Hi Ladies, Would like to share this with you. Everyone is in different situations, might not be applicable, but at least give it a thought. My mum used to be ill-treated by her MIL. I hear loads of complains abt this since young. We were also like third class citizen at her place, cos...
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    Hi, I agree with that's life that its a give and take situation. Some take equally, some take more, some give more and vice versa. Counter MIL, your MIL might feel that you are stealing her son away, which is natural. My mum feels the same way abt all my bro's girlfriends. And some...
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    Hi, Its me again :p I decided not to mix these two post :D Tamarind, how come your MIL dun want to watch your baby cos her Son In Law is coming? Does she favour her daughter over your son? What if you had bring your baby to her place? Would she have looked after her for you then...
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    Hi, Lets think things calmly. 1. If MIL happy, she will treat our kids better. If she dislike us, imagine when she see our kids, they remind her of us, then she will be bias against them and show favourtism. Put it this way, even a mother will show favourtism towards her own kids, for...
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    To be frank, no matter how much unhappy we are with our MILs, I still think its important to make them happy for the sake of our kids. 1. If MIL happy, she will treat our kids better. If she dislike us, imagine when she see our kids, they remind her of us, then she will be bias against...
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    6 in 1 vaccination for BB, help!

    Hi, I think there is a protocol which clinics have to follow. Like when I took my girl to a Polyclinic to take her second jab three days before her appointment at a private clinic, but the nurse at the Polyclinic refuse to give it to her cos she told me they have to follow WHO guidelines...
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    Any Comment on Dr.Yvonne Chan & Dr.Y.C.Goh

    Hi, I am also with Yvonne Chan, recommended to me by 2 of my colleagues. She is approachable, candid and knowledgeable. She is slightly more expensive, but both my hubby and I agree that so long as we comfortable with her...her charges are not an issue. During visits, she answer our...
